Making Out

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THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS A BIT OF A MAKEOUT SCENE, nothing too racy but a little descriptive <3

The two walking down the street together limpingly was a sight, that was for sure, and it would've been fine if Nino, who was going to the same place to grab Alya a headache medication, saw them, and had to do a double take. He snorted and pulled up to the sidewalk next to them, revving his engine, which made Marinette wobble a little, gasping as she fell on the grass to her side, pulling Felix with- and on top of- her.
Felix let out a yelp, and suddenly he was on top of her. He blinked, moved away a little to register what was happening, his face growing a shade of red. Before further registration, though, Nino had rolled down the windows, shifted so he could look at them from where he sat. "You two alright there?" He asked, a slight mockery in his voice.
Marinette opened her tightly shut eyes to see the boy's blue eyes burning into her own, and she whimpered, her own cheeks flushing as she looked behind him and saw the car. She then saw Nino's face, and smiled nervously, going back to figuring out the situation, finding that both her hands were wrapped around Felix for support, and both his did the same to her, which kept at least the small of her back from touching the ground. So helpful. "Ummm... yeah, fine!!" she laughed nervously, trying to roll over.
Of course, the boy did not miss to take a picture. What were they gonna do, chase him? With a shake of his head, he turned his hazard on and exited the car. By then Felix had already asked her if she was alright, and had scrambled the best he could to his feet. Both he and Nino reached out a hand to help her out.
She looked between them and took both hands, groaning as she stood up, stumbling a little but stabilizing herself. "Thanks," she muttered, brushing off her outfit.
Nino finally noticed the extra details with them, Felix his barefoot bonanza, Marinette her crutched conflict. He hissed. "Oh my god, you two look like you went to the same bong party-" he said, and duly noted the wound on Marinette's forehead too. He worried about her, the other guy, not really. He held her hand. "Are you going to the hospital? I can take you there?"
She smiled nervously and scratched her nape. "Ummm, nah, just the pharmacy would be awesome. I fell down a ladder when an akuma showed up, and this idiot ran 6 blocks barefoot," she stuck out her tongue at him and poked his nose, hoping deep down he'd scrunch it up. "As for the forehead.... I hit my head on a wall."
And scrunched his nose up Felix did, not without brushing her hand away. Nino interjected. "Just the pharmacy? Dudette, your cast looks like it's about to fall apart. That's saying much, since it's literally plaster. When's the last time you actually made to take care of that?" He asked, opening the door to the passenger's for her.
She smiled as she saw him scrunch up her nose, her heart doing a little flip. Marinette laughed sheepishly in the car, climbing in. "Ummm, I haven't?" she said, looking at her cast. "It's probably not that bad. I mean, people have had worse."
"Yeah, but said people probably didn't run away from home and refused to go to school." Nino laughed and closed the door for her, gesture halfassedly for Felix to hop in. He appreciated that. Felix got in the backseat, Nino the driver's. "Anyways, fine. I'm taking you to the pharmacy only but you don't mind I tell Als, yeah?"
Marinette looked at him and winced. "Um.... I mean you can, but I have a feeling she won't let me out of the house if you do," she said, smiling sadly. "I can take care of it, I'll go to the doctor this afternoon, I guess." she turned around and looked at Felix. "You should too. I can't imagine what you stepped on on the way here," she said, glancing down at his foot.
Felix blinked, surprised to be brought onto the conversation. He nodded in acquiescence, laughing a little. "Yeah, no. Neither can I. I'll come with you, probably," he said, and Nino look at him from the rear view mirror. He shook his head, seemingly unbelieving. "M, yaknow I'm kinda confused. What on earth are the two of you?" He asked, glancing at Marinette a little.
Marinette looked at Nino, and her cheeks glowed red as she looked at the boy from the rear view mirror as well. She wanted to answer with something more than just friends, but she couldn't. Not yet. "We're friends."
"Surprised you still are after that one blow of a rejection yesterday," he blurted, and then hissed, mentally scolding himself for having little to no self control. He cleared his throat, stopped at a red light. "Have you two been meeting everyday, then? Since you've been not attending school?"
Her eyes widened and she looked at Nino bewildered. "I... it's... it's fine now. We worked it out. And- and yeah. We have," she muttered, looking out the window.
Nino hummed at an agreement, and the light turned green. The rest of the way had been silent, and when they got to the pharmacy, it was obvious that Nino wanted Felix out. First. And so he did, and he kept Marinette in the car. "Hey, this is really weird but can I ask you something?"
Marinette was about to get out but the door locked and she looked back at him. She gave Felix a smile and held up a finger before turning towards Nino. "Yeah. What's up?"
"You know we're just looking out for you, yeah? And clearly, the guy's bad news. For what it's worth, we're maybe kind of open for a compromise, if the dude really makes you happy," he said with a shrug, glanced at the blonde outside the car who waited for them. "Does he make you happy? Obviously the fallout yesterday aside."
Marinette looked at Nino, a frown growing on her face. "He's not bad news. You just don't know him," she said, taking a deep breath. "Look, I know you and Alya are looking out for me, and I appreciate that. A lot. But I think I'm old enough to make my own choices. Which includes falling in love with who I want to. And yes, Felix and I have agreed to be friends for the moment, but he's expressed his feelings in the most raw and perfect way I could've imagined, and I do have feelings for him too. I just want time so we can get to know each other before putting a title on anything."
He sighed noddingly. "Alright, yeah. Alya's whole mother thing has been rubbing off on me," he laughed and pat her shoulder. "Yeah, that's it. Just lean on us whenever things get hard, okay? We're here for you." He grinned, and exited the car. As soon as Felix saw him exit, he opened the door for Marinette, not working to make any inquiries about their conversation.
She smiled a little and got out of the car, followed by the crutches. "Thank you," she said, handing him one and holding onto his shoulder as she got herself situated.
"Mhm, you alright?" He asked, holding her steady, and soon they were back in the same dynamic they were before Nino surprised them. They slowly but surely made their way into the pharmacy.
She went through the aisles, humming as she put things in a basket that she had Felix hold, muttering things to herself as she did. She got most of the things, but there was one item that was just too high up for her to grab. She tried reaching, straining, but couldn't. She turned to him. "Can you grab the neosporin for me?"
He nodded, held her steady as he easily reached the said box. He gave it to her. "Here." He looked at the basket, hummed a little. "Do we really need all this?"
She looked at him and arched her brows. "Do you really wanna get healed up?" she asked, tilting her head.
He bit his lip and nodded. "Yeeeees..? I'm kind of into that whole mindset where maybe you'd nurse me if I kept hurt or something," he pointed out softly.
She looked at him and a small smile crept to her lips, shaking her head. "Even with all this stuff, it isn't just going to magically disappear. I'll take care of you," she said, and then took the box from him, her hand lingering a moment too long. She snapped out of it, clearing her throat quietly and put the box in the basket. "Anyways. Ready to check out?"
He hollowed out his cheeks, held back a smile as her hand brushed his. Ah, he really was reduced to this. He nodded and followed after her, paid for the items they bought. Nino had finished checking out the headache medicine he ought to buy. "You two need help getting back to where you came from?" He asked.
Marinette looked at Felix and then answered. "Just the hospital would be fine," she said, and her hand that was around Felix's waist tapped his side reassuringly. She didn't want to give away their secret spot either.
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'll drop you two off on the way," he said and as they walked there, Felix glanced at Marinette. "I thought we went here so you won't actually end up in a hospital?"
She snorted and shook her head. "No, we're not going to a hospital. There's an Italian place nearby. I'm starving, lunch sounds absolutely amazing. We can bandage up on the way there and when we get tired we can go see if we can get this cast taken care of. It does look pretty gnarly," she said, looking at her foot.
Felix sighed in relief, opened the door for her by the passenger's. "Well, I did tell you to quit walking around so much. You look ready to be ravaged by a mutt," he laughed, rolled his eyes and climbed in the back as well.
"I can't bandage you from up here, dummy," she rolled her eyes and smiled at Nino a bit before moving to the back door carefully. "Scoot over, I'm not walking to the other side," she said, gesturing for him to move. "And for the record, I can't help it. It's hard not to walk around when you're distracting me. And refusing to come upstairs. How dare you make me climb down when you know I have a broken ankle," she pouted.
He scooted and good thing he did, it hid the blush that painted his cheeks. "I didn't ask for you to climb down. I didn't know how to face you, is all," he replied, tried to sound like it was such an obvious fact.
"You were making me talk to a rock. No offense to the rock in question," she giggled, elbowing him lightly as she took out a few things, including a bottle of antibiotic cream, wound cleansing wipes, and wrap-around bandages. "Now give me your foot."
He winced and hesitantly brought his foot up. "Forget about nursing me maybe, this feels weird," he told her, kept his foot away from her even though it was right up there.
She snorted and carefully grabbed his ankle, pulling it closer anyways. "Loosen up, I'm not afraid of feet or anything. At least they don't smell. Sort of. They smell like asphalt," she frowned up at him, clicking her tongue. "Bite this," she said, holding up a pencil she bought. "It'll make it a little less painful. I don't know why, but it works," she said, and then got out one of the cleansing wipes, inspecting the scrapes.
"Bold of you to assume I would think it painful. I'm very much a big boy," he said, but the moment she'd actually put on even the tiniest bit of attention to it, he hissed. They did say boys were overdramatic. He took the pencil from her hand and bit down on it, his other knee brought to his chest and he hunched on it, looked away.
She looked up at him, a devilish smirk on her face as she pulled her hand from his foot. "I didn't even put the wipe on it," she laughed a little and glanced to Nino in the front seat. "He sound like someone you know? Being such a big boy and all," she teased, batting her lashes at Felix.
Nino barked out in laughter, glanced at the two of them over his shoulder. "Oh, yeah, I think I know who you're talking about. Last time he got scrapes on his knee, he threw a tantrum because we told him it's okay to cry out of pain, but he wasn't crying out of pain, just that we refused to believe that he was a big boy. It was a big cycle."
She snorted, shaking her head. "Aw, Felix, it looks like we have to introduce you to Nino's little brother. I babysit him sometimes," she said. "Okay bite!" she said before he could answer, putting the wipe to his foot and gently cleaning the area.
"Little brother? Did I just get compared to a kiiiid-!" He bit the pencil and he bit hard, wincing as he looked away. Was he overreacting? Most likely. He barely felt this pain earlier when he had climbed up the ladder, hell, when he was running like it. "Marinette, it hurtssss..."
She blinked and looked up at him, now he really looked like a kid. She bit back laughter and finished cleaning the wound, beginning to put the ointment on a q-tip. "This doesn't hurt as bad, bear with me here," she said, dabbing the cream on his foot.
He nodded and looked away, kept his eyes screwed shut as she did what she had to do. Nino reached for something in his glovebox, waited for Marinetteto finish before he handed the latter a lollipop. "Here, since you've been a very brave big boy," he teased, and Felix opened his eyes, saw the treat and glared. "I am not taking that."
Marinette arched her brows and began wrapping his foot with the bandages. "Oh come on. It's blue raspberry," she teased further, her voice coaxing.
He looked at Marinette in disbelief, then betrayal, then a glare. He clicked his tongue and snatched the lollipop from Nino, angrily unwrapping it. It was an upgrade from biting down on the pencil, he had to admit. "I actually hate the two of you," he said, looking at the pencil, the teeth marks he left behind.
She saw the whole thing go down and burst into laughter, wheezing as she doubled over, shaking her head. "You're- you're just like Chris!!!" she snorted. "Never was able to turn down a blue raspberry lollipop," she sighed, wiping tears from her eyes.
His mouth parted, and he looked at the end of the lollipop stick from his mouth, all cross-eyed. "I am not Nino's little brother, whoever this Chris is. I'll have you know, blue raspberry just tastes that good. All there is to it," he huffed, kicked her gently with his fine foot to stop her from laughing.
She snuck out her phone and snapped a photo of him while he was crosseyed, sneakily putting it back in her pocket. She then snorted and looked at him, tilting her head. "Really? Felix, honey, you're throwing a tantrum. I know it's not easy getting your cuts cleaned, but I'm only trying to help!!" she said in a mockingly sweet voice, batting her lashes.
"You're talking to me like I'm a kid," he narrowed his eyes at her, and after he'd deemed that she had finished bandaging his foot, he retreated it away from her, taking the items from her. "What about you? Don't tell me you don't find it the least bit painful," he said, puckering lips pointing to the wound on her forehead.
Marinette arched her brows, not a good idea because flexing the skin hurt like hell. She hissed and sighed. "Okay, fine, my turn," she said. "Where do you want me?"
He heard her hiss at her expression, had to bite back smirk not to seem petty. It didn't help that he had muttered out an 'I told you so' though. He pat his lap. "I want you here."
She heard the mutter and bit the inside of her cheek, suddenly dead set on not showing pain. She nodded, although hesitantly, and laid down, her head in his lap, eyes closed at first. "Alright, doctor, heal me all up," she teased.
He smiled a little, rolling his eyes. "You'd be surprised how gentler I am when it comes to you dealing with wounds," he stuck his tongue out, examined her wound with furrowed brows. "How did you get this again?" He asked.
She paled a little, eyes fluttering open to meet his gaze, and oh crap, he was cute when he was focused. "Uummm.... I just... ran into a wall. Multiple times. You know, clumsy old me," she laughed nervously.
He looked her in the eyes, corner of his lips tugging up into a smirk. "Yeah, right," he said with a soft chuckle, taking the wipes and cleaned her wound, the skin around it.
The sudden pain ran through her head, throbbed and stung, and she shut her eyes tightly, gritting her teeth so hard that grinding noises could be heard from inside her mouth. She wasn't going to yelp though, not like him. She tried so hard to relax her face too. Nope. Didn't work.
He noticed her holding back on showing expressions, the way her face all crinkled sour enough of a sign. He swallowed down whatever mockery he wanted to tell her, and instead worked gentler, wiping barely a feather touch. He cleared his throat. "This doesn't hurt at all, huh?"
She laughed, strained. "N-no, not at all!" she said throufh still gritted teeth, although her expression softened a bit as his motions did as well. She didn't even realize her hand was holding on tightly to his knee.
He hummed out an oooh, as if in awe. "Man, I totally wish I had the same pain tolerance as you," he cooed, pinched her nose as he discarded the wipes and got the ointment, carefully put a smidgen on her wound and aid it evenly with the qtip.
She nodded just the tiniest bit, too focused on not making noises that one escaped her, a little whimper from her lips. "Hurry, please," she muttered.
"What, I thought it didn't hurt?" He asked, moving the qtip away and poked her cheek, urged her to look at him.
She opened her one eye and sighed. "Okay, fine. It hurts a little. Now give me that." she said, and grabbed the lollipop that was in his mouth (corona doesn't exist here of course) and put it in her own. "Thank you."
He opened his mouth to protest, which is exactly just how she'd gotten the lollipop, burned red when he registered what happened. "That's-" he began, but he cleared his throat. "Okay. You were all done anyway," he mumbled, didn't trust his voice enough not to break. He put bandage on her wound, and maybe set on flustering her as much as she did him, pressed a kiss on top of it. "There. All healed, patien Dupain-Cheng."
She blinked, looking at him and then cleared her throat, pretending that did not just happen. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "Thank you, Doctor Graham de Vanily," she said, and then, as competitive as he was, pecked his lips. That would win. For sure.
He stared at her, surprised and happy and challenging all the same. His heart literally pounding against his chest, he somehow managed to find his voice and while he stared her down, he asked Nino, "Hey, Nino. Do friends just casually peck each other's lips?"
Nino, who had witnessed the entire thing from the rear view mirror, highly entertained, saw Marinette's pleading gaze and then smiled. "Psh, yeah, all the time. Alya and I did that before we dated. It's called friends with benefits."
Felix narrowed his gaze, sensed the two working against him again. He kept his eyes locked on Marinette. "Oh yeah, okay. But what if you're just friends. Buddies, if you will. Is it still normal?"
Marinette's jaw dropped and she glared at him, as if saying, 'how dare you bring that up again?' and Nino just snorted, finally pulling up to the hospital, parking the car and putting a hand on the back of the passenger seat, then turning back to the both of them. He arched his brows and then answered, "Then it makes you buddies with benefits," he smiled sweetly.
Felix looked up, mostly because he felt the car come to a stop. He gave the boy a blank look for a second, before sighing and nodding. "Sounds like a nice way to announce commitment issues," he scrunched up his nose and nudged Marinette. "Get up. We're at the hospital, buddy."
She looked at Felix and sneered, teasingly mocking him by scrunching her nose up too. "Okay, bunny," she said, quickly getting out of the car with a giggle as she walked (limped) swiftly, trying to get away from him.
Felix thanked Nino for the ride, the latter only gave him a nod towards Marinette who was already pretty far from him. With a sigh, he followed after her. "You know as heart-fluttering as that was, it'd take you more than that to get me all flustered," he commented, matching her pace.
She turned around, stopping in her tracks and smiling. "Yeah? Like what?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm game for anything. Uh. Mostly anything."
"Well, you totally should've gone all the way. I'm open to making out," he suggested, matching her pose. "Why not go all the way when we're already buddies with benefits, am I right?"
She looked at him, blinking a few times before the tiniest blush crossed her cheeks. She cleared her throat and then began to approach him slowly, a smirk growing. "Oh? Really?" she asked, looking towards an alley nearby. The offer was tempting, really.
He blinked, taking notice of her glance. His mouth parted, and he bit his lip. "Hold on, you're supposed to be scolding me right now." He looked at the alley too. "Don't tell me you're actually..?"
And here it was, her ticket to FlusterTown. All aboard. She smirked a bit and got even closer, her hands now on his chest as she slowly looked up at him flirtatiously. "Well, I mean, why would I? It only would make sense. You know, a trial to see if we're actually compatible in all areas," she said silkily.
He looked at her, probably blinking thousands a minute. Was she actually taking his suggestion? Not that there ever were times that would make him skeptic of her sudden compliance. He was just... getting flustered. Screw him for telling her. He tried reciprocating the same vibes she was giving him. A hand traced her jaw, made her look up to him. He smiled. "You're right. Then you'll get to see how good a kisser I actually am."
Oh. She didn't think this through. Felix was the one to take things like this seriously. But she couldn't back down now, not when she was so close. She glanced at his lips and then back at his eyes, smiling the tiniest bit. "Mmm, and maybe this time, Alya won't be around to interrupt." It wasn't like she was actually opposed to this. They did share mutual feelings after all. What made a difference if they kissed once more? It wouldn't change anything.
A frayed sparking wire was what was left of his thinking and functioning capacity. He looked around, made sure Nino had really driven off before he pulled her into the alley she initially looked in. Hands on her nape and the small of her back, he had her pressed against the wall. He was extremely close, their breaths intermingling. "Is this okay?" He whispered.
And there went any and all of her common sense, and all she could think about was her heart pounding in her chest and the boy who had her pressed against a wall again. Again. Except this time, the glimmer in her eyes wasn't one of fear, it was more of ardor. She bit her lip a little and nodded, her eyes falling half closed. "Yeah," she reaffirmed.
A small whimper was all the escaped his throat as soon as she replied, his lips suddenly pressed against hers. It was at least seventy of his hundred thoughts, how her lips felt so soft, so kissable against his. And it was all that he missed, that he remembered and hoped to feel once more. Maybe even more.
When she felt the soft pair of lips pressed to hers, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, all of the tension that ran through them being relieved by the passion she added to their kiss, only pulling him closer. It was nothing short of magical, and her hands traveled around his beautifully toned body, one hand behind his arm and on his shoulder, the other resting on his chest.
And the more they kissed, the more he was reminded of the feelings he felt for her. The need, the want. Hell, it even transcended whatever physicality it was. As she pulled him closer, he was reminded of their last few days, what it felt like to be wanted. What it felt like to take care of her, to be gentle with her, be better for her. He realized now all the things he'd been doing weren't at all for angering Adrien, or for the entertainment of him. He did it all for her, because she had acknowledged him and let him in. And he loved her because of it all.
She didn't pull away, not just because she was intoxicated by his scent, or his looks, or his lips. She stayed because she felt comforted, warm, happy. She stayed because she knew that what this was, it wasn't fake. It wasn't a game. It was real, and it was everything to her. And it was in that moment that everything that she'd felt- the anxiousness when it neared the time when he should've been there, the glee she felt when she was laughing at his jokes (or him), all of the times her heart felt light because she had someone to confide in, finally- that this wasn't just a friendship to her. This was so much more. This was love. True, genuine, pure, heartfelt love.
And as much as he had wanted the moment to last longer, his lungs burned - out of breath, and she burned him - what with the way she was so unreserved with her emotions in that kiss. That one kiss he'll remember forever, one he deemed their actual first kiss. Pulling away, he still stayed close, his forehead against hers. Looking into her eyes, unbarricading and putting down all the walls he had put up, he smiled softly. "I love you," he whispered.
Those three words about made her pass out, and she bit her lip gently, a smile growing on them. She hesitated for a moment, panting a little before she could speak. And when she did, the whole world stopped. "I... love you too."
And his world stopped, too. The words rang in his ears, and he kept playing them on repeat, over and over, making sure he heard her right. He bit his lip - the very same one she kissed, he rejoiced - and he blushed hard. "You do?"
She paused for a moment, wondering if she'd said something wrong, but ultimately deciding she didn't. "Yeah," she smiled, nodding. "Yeah. Felix, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you," she repeated, a smile spreading across her face as she pulled him closer again, pressing a kiss on his cheek, and then embracing him tightly.
His heart beat hard against his chest, and he wondered if she could hear it. Then he decided he didn't care, let her feel and hear for all it was, all he was. He hugged her back just as tightly, and as wrong as the time would be to ask it, he really felt the stupid need to. "Is this a part of the buddies with benefits package?" He asked with a slight laugh, turning a little to face her.
She was taken aback at first but then a smile appeared, and a laugh escaped her. She softly punched his arm, shaking her head. "You better just kiss me again before I change my mind," she teased, her lips brushing against his again.
He giggled, and he pecked her lips, long enough to make her believe it was a kiss, short enough to still be considered a peck. "There. Do I get the answer to my question, then?" He asked, peppering kisses on her face, glancing at her each time he pulled away.
She smiled, glee filling her as she let out a giggle. "If I give you an answer will you kiss me for real again?" she asked, arching her brows.
"Yes, because I happen to have different kind of love kisses for a buddy with benefits than for a certain blunette I would love to date," he replied, pulled away and kept a certain distance while he waited for her answer.
She smiled wider, her cheeks glowing pink as she turned to the side, closing her eyes. "I may or may not be breaking out of the rules of the buddies with benefits package. Far out of it. And I happen to actually be falling in love with a certain blonde with blue eyes I'd love to date."
He grinned widely, biting his bottom lip in a futile attempt to hide the fact that he was on top of the world right now. He raised a brow. "Do I happen to be the certain blonde with blue eyes, then?"
"Hmm, only if I happen to be the certain bluenette," she whispered, leaning closer to him.
And it didn't take long enough for her to catch onto what she meant. He leaned in as well, and met her halfway, kissed her again. It was a kiss that told her strongly of his feelings, of promises he wished to make if he were to allow her again. And a kiss that answered she definitely is the certain blunette.
She hummed into the kiss, receiving all of his messages, answering them with ones of her own, that returned his promises, and assured him that she truly did fall in love with him. The kiss only grew deeper this time, as there was nothing stopping them this time, no elephants in the room - or alley- to distract them from each other. She tilted her head, slowly parting her lips.
He was a little surprised, but he made no move to pull away - he wanted this as much as she apparently did, too. He sighed as he accepted the deepened kiss, and he'd been brazen enough to test a bit of tongue. He swiped down her bottom lip, followed by him nibbling on it.
And then suddenly all of her emotions burst like fireworks in her mind as she sighed, her own teeth lightly catching his upper lip. She sighed into the newly deepened kiss, her hands on him, one behind his head and the other around his waist, leaning against the wall.
Oh, and what a makeout session it was, he thought to himself. Lips between teeth, wandering hands and tongues, it all whelmed him in a sense where it felt so nice, so good. He rid them of the little space left between them, let out a breathy whine that scratched at his throat.
She let out a soft groan, letting go of his lip only to let her tongue roam and wander his mouth, sighing at how absolutely perfect it all felt at the moment, and she couldn't understand. She couldn't understand how it felt so right with him in that moment, how much she has wanted to do this with him since she first met him. Since she first fell in love with him.
He lightly gasped, the intrusion a sure surprise. Not that he didn't like it in any way. He loved it. Love her, and anything she did. He let her do what she wanted to do, accepted her wholly, sucked on her tongue and relished on her tastes. He must've moaned at one point, it suddenly feels so so hot, but he could barely care.
She felt the heat as much as he did, and his moan only made her that much more hungry for him. She held herself back though, and pulled back only slightly so she could look him in the eyes. "Please," she whispered, "Kiss me more."
And kiss her more he did. Until both of them were gasping for breath, way too needy for each other. And the moment itself only allowed them more chances too, like everyday, where he would steal a kiss the first and last second he'd see her. Or when he would steal her away from Alya, because he missed her too much. Or that one time they celebrated Adrien's birthday, but Felix could've sworn he had his own too, what with the present of spending the night with her. Heck, even now, when they are on the treehouse three months later, and still couldn't get enough of each other. He giggled, and playfully pushed her away. "Marinette. You're going to wear out my lips if we keep this up," he said, tried to sit away from her.
She pouted and only followed after him, wrapping her arms around his neck and attacked him with kisses on his neck instead, giggling to herself. "Fine, then I'll find other places to kiss," she whispered against his skin, lightly nipping at the skin. "I know you know you love it."
He chuckled softly, rolled his eyes as she had found a loophole for his comment. He pulled her onto his lap, stroked her hair as he let her do her thing. He hummed. "Mm, but do I though? Maybe you're the one loving this," he replied, glancing at her.
She arched her brows and pulled away, looking up at him. "I don't know, do you? What would you do if I stopped?" she asked, scrunching up her nose.
He scrunched his nose up in return, habit they picked up when the other did. "I would... thank you. And then..." his voice trailed down as he gathered her hair up onto one side, leaning closer to her ear. "I would have my way with you," he replied, and then licked up a line behind her ear. He pulled away and giggled. "Is that a good enough answer?"
She blushed furiously and then giggled back, wrapping her arms around his neck and huddling closer to him. "Sounds perfect," she whispered. "Should we practice now?" she teased, biting back a devious grin as she went back to attacking his neck with kisses.
He hummed, pulled her even closer by the waist. Minutes must have passed, maybe hours, before he could muster the mind to stop her. Things have never felt more right, not until all the times he spent with her. Right as he was about to ask her to stop, the familiar alarm of the akuma buzzed and rang from their phone and he groaned. At least it was a sound enough to stop her. He opened his eyes, and smoke rose from a part of the city they overlooked. He softly groaned. "Marinette..."

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