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A new day.

I was at the doors of BMS.

Wanna know something? I was there before I would normally be there. 

The reason?

My dad had this big project at his work (he worked as a public Pokémon librarian for all ages), so he had to go to work earlier. 

Today, Dad literally left by the time I had almost finished breakfast. Usually, he would leave 20 minutes after I had left the house. And that was when I went to school a little later. 

That was how early.

Mom was rarely at home before I woke up and after I was back from school if the day wasn't her break day (Friday). She's a public bus driver.

On the bright side, my dad could go back home earlier.

Earlier, I had walked a little slow while walking to school. When I got there, I saw the doors were being opened.

Now, I knew that I could walk as slow as I wanted to.

I sighed as I walked in the doors. 

There were almost no one in the halls. So, the halls were pretty quiet.

I would have to get used to this. Not too used to it, because this project Dad was working on would only last for 3 months.

I quietly went to my locker. I got my stuff for Art, and then went to Art class.

"You're a little early today, Sy," Leavanny said as I walked in. 

I looked around the class. There was nobody.

"Yes, that early," Leavanny said right after I looked around the class. "You're the first student! Pretty rare, huh?"

I nodded to Leavanny and then quickly went to my seat.


Art class started.

"Hello, class," Leavanny said in her normal warm voice (too warm, if you ask me). "Today, I have some exciting news!"

I was 99% sure it was going to be something about big art projects, which I wasn't too much of a fan about. I felt bored.

"I'm starting a school newspaper!" Leavanny said this very excitedly (like she should have).

I immediately didn't feel tired.

"Please raise your... uh, whatever you can, if you're interested."

I obviously raised my paw. I saw Flannery (who was at the desk right next to me) raise her hand (I guess?), too.

"Wow! Half of you! Well, just to answer some questions here, we meet at 5:00 on Mondays and Fridays. No, this won't affect your grade. No, there aren't specific roles. You can make up one! But nothing too non-school-ish. Put down your, um, thing if you have some problems with these."

I think I saw a few hands go down. But Flannery's didn't.

That I was happy about.

"'Kay, we lost about a half of you. But that's okay! Pokémon who currently aren't raising their thing..."

I didn't listen to that part. I looked around the classroom and saw something I didn't expect to see.


I quickly looked forward and tried to start focusing on Leavanny's words. There was no way we would be interested in the same role, right?

"Okay, Pokémon who are currently raising their thing, I'll say out the things that are currently planned to be in the newspaper. If you're interested, keep raising your hand. If you're not, put down your hand."

Leavanny said a few (okay, a LOT of) jobs that weren't the job I wanted, which were: front page news ("This is a BIG job, guys!" Leavanny had said), sports, entertainment, other, games, events, printer, designer of newspaper blah blah blah.

I hadn't paid too much attention to who raised their... thing. I hadn't seen Flannery raise her, um, thing, though for any of the jobs yet.

I thought it seemed like Flannery might have wanted to make a job or have the same job like me.

After all those, she said the job I wanted: editor.

Leavanny had said, "Last planned job, who wants to be editor? There can only be 7 of you guys."

I immediately raised my paw. I saw Flannery raise her (UM,) thing about a second later.

"Coincidence," Flannery whispered. "I'm not willing to take the job because of you, okay?"

"'Kay," I replied.

"Three of you! That's a lot! Well, Sy, Flannery, and Aurora-"


"- you guys will be taking tests like the others today, as today is Monday."

"Ok," I heard Aurora say behind me somewhere.

"...Yeah... okay," I said while Flannery said, "Yep, will be there."

I think I should've paid more attention on who raised their, er, thing, so I would have been a little more prepared than I had at the moment.


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