Chapter 15

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I slowly snuck back into the apartment, my footsteps as quite as I could possibly manage. My hope was that Marco was still sleeping but as I entered the living room, it was clear that he wasn't. In fact, upon entering the room I found myself face to barrel with a loaded glock. The gun stared back at me, ready to end my life if it so desired.

But I wasn't afraid.

Because a moment later Marco lowered the gun, letting out a long breath as he did so. He massaged his temples, "What the hell Harmony, I almost just killed you."

I giggled lightly, skipping over to him. I carefully set four coffee's down on the table in front of the couch, "But you didn't. Why are you so jumpy?"

Marco shrugged, laying the gun on the table next to the coffees before leaning back against the couch once again, "Maybe it has to do with the fact that I've been trapped in this shit hole for the past three days. Seriously, I've never taken a day off in my entire life, let alone three days."

Now I shrugged, "Headmaster's orders, he wants you to rest. By the way, I got my schedule from the office. All advanced classes and I'm ranked in the top ten percent of our class."

"Damn girl, you're gonna be the next president at this rate." Marco smiled proudly which resulted in myself smiling as well. Then he reached forward to snatch a coffee but his hand stopped in midair, "Did you get these from the cafe?"

I nodded happily, "Yep. And they were so grateful that we helped save Diane and her bodyguards from the fire that they didn't even make me use our meal points. I'm got all four of them completely free."

"I don't know why you got four free, Luke and Toni didn't do shit to help Diane. But hey, what do I know." Marco chuckled lightly, grabbing the coffee and lifting it to his lips. I watched, slightly memorized, as he sipped the steaming coffee. Then he swiped at his mouth, unaware of my watchful gaze on him, and asked, "So how is the construction going?"

"Really good actually." I informed, sipping my own coffee, "They decided that it would cost more to try and salvage what was left so they tore everything down and just started from scratch. The manager told me that he was planning on adding on anyways so it was actually nice to have a reason to begin the addition. It's much bigger than before."

"Well let's hope this one doesn't blow up like the last one. Does he have any idea what caused the explosion?" Marco questioned, eying my closely for any reaction. He had been suspicious since this whole ordeal started. He was convinced it was an attempted to end my life but I refused to tell him about the text messages, so I insisted quite persistently that it had nothing to do with me. Which may or may not have made him even more suspicious.

How ironic right?

"Nope, he said he thought it might have been the boiler but he isn't sure since nothing was left to go off of." I answered smoothly, my eyes dipping to my coffee as I took another sip. Marco continued to watch me but I made sure to keep my composure, he couldn't read me like he could with others. But his stare was still a little unnerving so I decided to change the subject, "It was difficult carrying the four of these back though, so you better appreciate my efforts."

Marco let his head fall back against the back of the couch, "Which brings me to yet another point, why are you walking round by yourself? I know I'm not suppose to leave but if you don't starting bringing Toni and Luke with you then I'm going to be forced to handcuff us together."

"Oh, kinky. I like that." I replied playfully, shooting him a wink as I snuck towards the room where I knew Luke and Toni would be sleeping together. And after peeking through the door, I saw that they were in fact both asleep just as I had left them.

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