Chapter 4

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Marco didn't come back that Saturday. Or Sunday.

And my dad said I wasn't allowed to leave the house until he returned so that entire Sunday Luke, Toni, and I remained curled up on the couch and watched movies. It was strange seeing how Toni has changed though, like even while we watched the movies her and Luke were alert and constantly checking the room.

But I honestly thought that was mostly due to Marco's absence. From what I can understand he's been with them since the very beginning, always acting as their leader. They've never had to worry about making the hard decisions or constantly looking out for one another because Marco was always doing that.

At the same time, however, Marco has never been able to act as freely as these two. He's always been in the spot of duty and leadership, and it's always been his job to look out for his teammates as well as me. I couldn't even imagine that kind of pressure, but Marco has been dealing with it since before he could walk. He has so much responsibility shoved onto his shoulders that is didn't surprise me how stubborn and coldhearted he was. He had to be in order to do his job.

And the guilt just kept on piling up.

He was only doing what he was told and I couldn't blame him for the way he spoke to me because that's the way people have been speaking to him all his life. No wonder he was so distant all the time.

Now he was somewhere being punished, all because of me.

After spending the whole day watching movies, I fixed Luke, Toni and my dad a proper meal. Apparently at the organization, the bodyguards aren't allowed to eat food other than that provided for by Arnold's team of nutritionists. Which basically meant they were only allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, and any other healthy foods. So, to honor my bodyguards commitment when I knew there was no way I'd ever be able to, I fixed them steak and potatoes.

And I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy as Luke when he took that first bite.

"" Luke breathed, his eyes staring wide eyed at the plate laying before him. Toni's reaction was slightly less extraordinary since she's eaten at my house before, apparently she was the only exception to the 'only-eat-healthy-foods' rule.

"This is wonderful honey." My dad smiled happily, cutting his steak into tiny pieces before shoving each one into his awaiting mouth.

Luke was rambling as he practically inhaled his meal, but I couldn't understand a single thing he was trying to say. It felt extremely weird to have two assassins sitting at my dining room table, even though one of them has joined me here before. But what really got me was that these two had killed people before, yet when I looked at them, all I saw were two normal teenagers.

Well as normal as one could get while shoveling piles of food into their mouth as Luke was.

"Amazing dinner Harmony, truly delicious." My father announced, getting to his feet and collecting his dishes. I watched him warily as he strolled into the kitchen, then returned to kiss the top of my head just before heading off for his study.

"Where are you going?" I asked quietly, folding my napkin and placing it in my lap so I'd have something to do to keep my hands busy.

My dad stopped in the doorway and looked at me over his shoulder, "I'm trying to make arrangements for the new machinery at work. It's rather exciting really, care to join me as I make my video conference calls. I know you always used to love that."

And for half a second I wondered if maybe I should accompany him, after all it was probably the only way I'd get to see him at all the rest of the night. But then Luke and Toni would be left alone and that would be rude to the two people who were watching out for my safety.

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