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Kocho walked out her house wearing a very simple outfit,

"Hmm~" kocho hummed agreeing with the rather good weather as she walked watching as blossoms falled over her and kids playing, very tiny amounts of couples kissing and even friends who were just catching up on life

But one thing in particular captured her attention a four leaf clover just sitting on the ground, kocho smiled to herself bending down to look at the tiny plant infront of her failing to see the stumbling body coming after her,

The two bodies connected with a bashful crash as they both tumbled down to the ground crushing the four leaf clover "O-OH MY GOODNESS IM SORRY " shouted the girl giving kocho time to take in the girls features,

And the first thing kocho noticed was her bright pink hair slowly blending into a dark pastel of green while two beauty marks placed right under her eyes that were colored a mochi green which sent kocho into a butterfly state into her stomach after taken back by this randoms girl beauty,

"This names konroji mitsuri!" Konroji stated after apologizing almost one hundred times and finally getting off of kocho "no no its fine~" stated kocho with her same sweet singing voice,

Mitsuri blushed abit being embarrassed because she made the whole situation a big deal while the shorter girl infront of her just smiled and said it wasn't a big deal "well uh maybe you could help me out a bit?" Said konroji twisting her long briads nervously "im kinda lost trying to find my way to a friend's house and they once told me about someone who looks like you alot so by chance do you know someone named giyuu?" Stated konroji very fastly if it wasn't for her nice and gentle aroa she probably wouldn't be able to hear how fast the girl was talking

"Well yes I do! I tease him quite alot about his love life by chance are you going there?" Said kocho with a nice enlightening tone from knowing her friend has possibly made a new friend

"Only if it isn't a problem of course!!!" Yelled konroji again holding kochos hand as a sighn of appreciation

As a reply kocho giggled and continued to walked hearing clicks of heels behind her


"Well we're here! I would go in but I'm doing things~" stated kocho opening the door for her to enter as she saw a slumped tomioka eating junk not even carrying his door is wide open after seeing his friend holding it open

"W-wait before you go here's my number I would love to talk to you!" Said konroji handing kocho a sheet of. Paper and shutting the door after greeting tomioka

Kocho blushed a vibrant red she managed to not show how nervous she was on the walk from the occasional time their pinkys grazzed each other or how konroji would smile non-stop at kocho or when konroji held kochos hand

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