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Kocho sat in her bed, its currently 2am in the morning and kocho can't sleep "fuck..." she grumbled under her breath as she got out of bed and let her feet hit the freezing cold ground under as she let out a small shiver

She walked to her small kitchen she pulled out some blueberries and milk and began to eat and sip (don't judge please), but as she ate and looked around she saw the crumbled up peice  of paper infront of her

'She's probably sleep. Why do I wanna talk to her?. Why not tomioka or rengoku?.'  Kocho thought not realizing she had snatched her phone out of her bag and dialed the number

"Hello?"  A sweet voice sent shivers down kochos spine as shocked made its way into a gasp from the female

"Oh sorry I couldn't sleep" spoke kocho with endless nervousness going threw her voice "me too! Probably because I have never spent the night at giyuus house till now?" Konroji spoke on the other line

"Wow really? Trust me if you can't sleep when your over there just get some of giyuus milk it will always make you go to sleep!~" cooed kocho on the other line letting some of the nervousness leave her voice as she gave some advice "ok! May I put on face time?" Asked the girl on the other line carelessly "sure!~" kocho spoke even if her mind told her to decline her heart told her to accept


Kocho looked onto her screen were she saw konroji tip toeing away from giyuus bed "we gotta be quiet!" Whispered konroji on the other line letting out a slight giggle like a teenager at a slumber party, "hmm he has so many types of milk! Which one do I choose?" Konroji stated flipping her phone so kocho can see all the different milks "oh! Thats for sanime he's tomiokas boyfriend and he can never use the same brand~" kocho said getting a surprised face from konroji which she found quite cute, "oh and go with the almond warm it up for 30 seconds get some blueberries quish them with a spoon and stir it up in the milk you'll be asleep in 3 minutes~" kocho stated quickly as she watched konroji try to remember everything she said


After the blueberrie milk kocho and konroji decided to just chit chat as they giggled lowly not trying to wake giyuu
"Yknow you never told me what I should call you? Like kocho? Shinobu? Or Shinoko!" Konroji said being specially excited when she told kocho about the nickname she had made for the other girl "shinoko?~" Questioned kocho "well it has a nice tang to it yknow!?" Konroji spoke in a some what convincing way "why not! I guess its catchy~" kocho said smiling at the girl on the screen before slowly dowsing off to sleep


Konroji woke up to a slight tap on her shoulder "Mitsuri-san?" Tomioka said confused after seeing kocho still sleeping on the phone "mornin giyuu!.." Konroji said as she ended the call "why are you sleep here? And not the futon?" Questioned Tomioka not forgetting what he just saw "hmm? No reason...but!" Konroji stated already being energetic like she wasn't just sleep,"when were you gonna tell ME you had a boyfriend???!!" Konroji shouted leaving Tomioka in a more confused state then the last

"Cause didn't ask?.."

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