chapter 2: year 3

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 from that point on she had found the group of kids her mother warned her about except they wouldn't have been complete without her. It didn't matter how much her mother scolded her for putting herself in danger countless times. She was her mothers daughter and stood by her friends through anything that came at them those next two years. Going into her third year though her mother seemed more on edge than ever.

" mom i don't understand why you being so lame!'' Rose shouted as she stuffed her trunk with everything she would be needing. Her mother watched the blonde girl from the door frame of her room with her arms crossed.

" If keeping you safe is lame then call the lame police. I need to be put under arrest." she said, holding out her wrist as if someone was going to put shackles on them.

Rose stopped in the middle of packing and looked at her mom holding on to her clothes.

"Mom" she dead panned

Mary rolled her eyes at her daughter.

" Come on, what happened to your sense of humor? Huh? Besides, why would you want to go to some stinky old inn when you could spend the last day of your summer with you mum!"

Her daughter gave her a look and mary slumped

" yeah on second thought don't answer that."

" mum its not that i don't want to spend time with you" rose started to gather the rest of her clothes from her closet.

"Its just i haven't seen harry,hermione, or ron all summer and i'd like to spend a day with them before its back to test and homework and-"

"And killing large snakes and dark wizards" her mother interrupted her.

" Well technically it was the ghost of one but that's totally besides the point."

"Mmhhm" her mother hummed.

"And besides there isn't much trouble the 4 of us can get into the day before school.'' Rose tried to reason with her mother. She had been trying to get her mother to agree to let her see her friends once this summer yet every time she was close to it her mother came up with some adventure for the two of them to go on. It's not that she didn't want to spend time with her, it's just that she missed her friends.

"Didn't the two boys drag you into flying in a car to school last year?" mary asked

"I don't know what you expected us to do. We got locked out and they didn't drag me. It was actually my idea" Rose confessed, sitting on her trunk trying to close it.

"Rose!" her mother gasped not previously having any knowledge of this information.

" oops" she said with her trunk shutting with a click. She got off the trunk walking over to her mum.

" mum please" she winned

" rose there is a mass murderer out there right now i cant just let you go run around around with out me"

" well come with! That would be perfect. You haven't met harry or ron or hermione, and ron's parents will be there you can hang out with them and talk grown up stuff. Mr Weasley would love you being a muggle and all" Rose said with wide eyes thinking this would be the solution to see her friends before school started.

Her mom stared at her like she wanted to say yes.

"Im sorry dear its a no," she cupped her daughters cheek

"You'll see them tomorrow. Also i wish you would really stop calling me that"

Rose took her face from her mothers hand.

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