C 4

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I walk next to Ned as we walk into school.

Tons of paparazzi and people screaming at us as they take our pictures.

Well, more Peter and MJ's in front of us.


I stop in my spot as I ball my hands into fists.

"Back off!"

I turn to see Ned has already snapped and taken action.

"Who are you?"

I move so I am next to Ned as i sling an arm over his shoulder.

"We're Spiderman's best friends"

"I'm spider-man's best friend"

"I'm spider-man's best friend"

I turn to the Flash who has decided to join us.

"(scoffs)Since uh, when Flash"

I narrow my eyes at Flash who chooses to ignore me.

"You come at him you come at Flash Thompson. You want to hear about our aspiring friendship. You can read about it in now in my nee book, 'Flashpoint' One spider, two hearts some crazy ass memories. Check it out"

Ned walks out of my hold, clearly done with Flash

"Aww, let me see that"

I snatch it from Flash as I rip it in half before stamping on it.

"Sorry, my bad. So clumsy."

I smirk as he bends down picking it up.

I then walk off as I flip Flash off as he rises to his feet glaring at me.

I let out an annoyed sigh as I slam my locker shut.

Getting  through security and ambushed with fellow classmates about why I kept the fact Peter Parker is Spider-Man a secret is exhausting.

Especially when you keep answering the s we question with the same answer.

Mind your own business


What's it to you?

I knew the right answer to throw them all off my back.

"How did your parents feel about you spending the night  at Happy's with May and  Peter aka Spider-Man. "

I turn to Ned as we walk down the hallway.

People glaring at us as he passed them.

No one daring to come up to us.

"You know they screamed. Told me if I knew about it all along. Threatened to stop me from going to MIT. Which in account made them say how I should go to Oxford so that I would be as far away from him as possible"

"Would you?"

I stop turning to Ned.

"Would  I what?"

"Go to Oxford instead?"

"Are you serious? And just leave you guys."

"I'm just saying Gwen you go there and you can be safe. Away from this. You have a ticket out of this mess"

"Wow. okay"

I then walk off away from Ned.

I can't believe he just said that.

"Gwen wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that"

I stop, turning around, Ned halts in front of me.

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