C 25

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"What has Peter done? Do you need me to talk to him? Has he said something wrong? So help me I will-"

" Peter kissed me —"

May's eyes widen.

"You- he - what?"

"No! It's not what you think"

"It sounds to me like Peter kissed you Gwen"

"Yes he did but peter didn't kiss me"

"Gwen! You just told me Peter kissed you"

"I know. What I mean is, it's not Peter. Well it is. Just not the one you think .... Okay so this is going to sound weird, and complicated...."


May places a hand on my shoulder giving me a look.

"It all started yesterday. When our Peter opened up the multiverse."

"Gwen I don't understand. What you mean our peter? There is only one Peter"

"No there's not. There is another version of peter. From another universe."

May's eyes widen like saucers as a gasp escapes her lips.

"He approached me yesterday.  Or was it t tote fat before? I can't exactly remember when. Anyways, at first I found it weird as hell. Then I kind of found it intriguing,  we were close in his universe. At least from what I gathered. It's just the way he talked to me. Our conversations. His visits.  I thought it was all a game. But then he kissed me."


"We tease each other with almost kisses. I originally thought it was some sort of flirty banter"

May nods as I smile lightly.

This feels so weird telling May about our moments.

But at the same time I am glad I am telling her.

"You should see him. He is so cute and dorky and funny and not to mention annoying. But not like our Peter annoying. A different kind. Something about him just makes me feel-"


I nod.

"I never told you about my first love"

"You had a first love?"

May glares at me and I chuckle.

"I did. His name was Ben. We met in high school. It was like love at first sight"

I smile at May as her eyes light up talking about him.

"We were best friends first. I actually had a crush on this other guy who was involved with criminal activities. But Ben still tried to get me to go out with him."

"So how did he become your first love? I mean if you liked this other guy?"

"Well the difference is Gwen I liked the other guy, but I fell in love with Ben. He made me love him. He would put love letters in my locker. Buy me flowers everyday. Walk me home. At first I thought it was annoying as hell."

We both chuckle at her words.

"One day I caught the guy i "liked" with another girl. And although we weren't ever together it still hurt"

"That must off sucked"

"It did. I remember crying under the bleachers and Ben came and comforted me."

I smile at the thought.

"That is when we would hang out more and I slowly began to fall for him more and more. He even wrote me a song."

"Wait, he sang?"

"Yes. Very well too. He was in a band."

"Aww that so cute"

"I think I still have the piece of paper with the lyrics on it"

"Can I see them?"

"Another time"

"What happened then? How come I never heard of him until now"

"It was a long time ago. Just before you and peter met actually"

I nod.

"We stayed together through college and were for getting married. Peter's parents were together at this point and had Peter for a few  years. Peter was going to be the flower boy. He insisted."

I chuckle at the thought of that.

"Unfortunately Ben was in an accident and he- he died"

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. That must have been awful"

"It was. Peter was hurt too. He loved Ben. Or as he would always call him uncle Ben. He was so young he doesn't even remember him now.  Them two got on so well"

I smile weakly.

"I never would have known something so tragic had happened. To have a love and lose it so unexpectedly"

"The world can be a cruel place Gwen. You have to cherish the love you find. All love comes at a price"

"How do you know if it is really love?"

"You just do. He becomes your whole world. The only world you want to live in. And you hold on to him as much as you can even if you know it's no longer there"

"I want a love like yours. It sounds amazing. I don't know yet what other Peter and I are. I just know he is special. I like being with him."

"But Gwen he will be going home soon. As soon as you and our Peter fix things. That other Peter will be gone."

"I know. I know! I just- I wish he could stay. Even though I would be taking him away from his girlfriend. I mean other me"

"Wait so he has a girlfriend who is you"

"In the looks department but yes."

"Yet he has been getting close to you?"


"Gwen. You've known him over a day. Are you sure you have thought this through."

I know what May is hinting at.

The fact he is a taken guy.

But I can't help it.

He's the one who is making me feel this way.

It can't be all my fault I am falling for him.

The question is does he feel the same?


Will he catch me if I fall?

"I know I am being stupid. Reckless. Selfish. But to me he is like your Ben."

May smiles lightly at me.

"I actually was going to say you are crazy ( light chuckle)"

I roll my eyes as I nudge May's shoulder.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. We kinda had an argument before I came here"

"About what?"

"He didn't want me to help you guys. Too dangerous"

"He sounds smart."

"Yeah he definitely thinks he is"

"Clearly he wants to protect you and keep you safe. I like him already"

"I do too"

"Gwen just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt"

"When have you known me to not be careful? I'll be fine May."

"I mean it Gwen. He may feel like your Ben but is he Willing to be your Spider-Man."

"If MJ can have her Spider-Man then why can't I have mine?"

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