C 34

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I look up as I see Ned just gliding in his  chair behind New Peter.

What is he doing?

I turn to Other  Peter who is comparing two of the test tubes to make sure the levels of the liquid is the same.

We both shrug our shoulders before going back to work.

"So...do you have a best friend or even best friends too?"

New Peter focuses on his antidote.

"I did"

"You did?"

"He died in my arms"

Oh god. 

That's grimm.

"After he tried to kill me"

I glance over at Other Peter who has stopped what he was doing.

The look on his face says it all.

His too.


And me.


Low blow that is.

"It was heartbreaking"

New Peter shakes his head.


Ned then turns around to Other  Peter and I, looking at him.

He just nods in agreement.

Ned then quickly gets up going to Peter.

Well, this is going to be fun.

"Will you run a diagnostic?"

I glance up to see Ned just hovering over Peter's work station.

Ned hesitates as he starts typing on the laptop.

Ned needs to chill.

Ned then awkwardly walks away as MJ approaches Peter's other side, sitting on the stool next to him. 

I go back to work until my phone vibrates.

I lift out my phone answering it.


"Gwen where the hell are you? Your mom is worried"


I rise to my feet, startling My Peter.

I almost bump into him, but he catches me, making me stumble, almost knocking my camera on the floor.

New Peter is quick to grab it.

Thank god.

I turn from New Peter to Other Peter.

"You okay?"

"I- yeah. I- thanks"

He smiles weakly at me and I return it.

I then hear the muffled voice of my Dad through my phone.

Shit, I forgot.

"I'll be back. I have to take this"

I motion to my phone.

Other Peter nods, gently raising me upright again, so i am on my own two feet.

He nods as I  walk out to the hallway to answer.


"Gwen, your mom is going crazy. Where are you? We  saw the news. We know what happened to May"

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