Chapter Five: Can I pt 1

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A guy that I work with named Mike who is originally from Toronto invited me there to, in his words, get Amish teens wasted (I definitely had to look that up). "I swear it's gonna be lit. Bring more people, if you want. The more the fucking merrier. I want my shit to be legendary.", he said. I guess Canadians really are just genuinely nicer. Cause I don't really even know this guy. He said it's for his birthday weekend and New Years.

I've never been there. So I said what the fuck, why not?  I'm geeked. Lea has been. She said she loved it. "If you loved it so much, come with me then.", I begged. She had been encouraging me to go, but to go alone. She said, "He invited you, not me. Go have fun with your friend. I'll be cool here.", she said.

Welp needless to say you know I didn't let that happen. As Lea and I are walking through Pearson International. She suddenly stops in front of this dope, I guess, flower shaped thing. It simply has the flight schedules and the weather and stuff on it. But Lea obviously loves it. "See you're already liking it and we haven't even left the airport.", I say. Lea loves art and anything creative. This is definitely unique so this is right up her alley.

We've officially been back on since a few days before Christmas. After thanksgiving things just kinda became undeniable between us...well more undeniable, I guess. But I'd say what cemented things for both us was our kiss under some mistletoe. It was supposed to be a peck but it turned into something deeper and more special. And we haven't looked back since. Not gonna lie I think this is the happiest I've ever been. It's only been a little over a week but I'm hoping the third time is the charm. Our relationship really hasn't change much. I still consider her my best friend.

But now I get to wake up next to her again. And then go to sleep next to her almost everyday as well. We don't have to hide our feelings or our relationship this time around. We already decided keeping our own separate space is a must. Our first and second times around we didn't do that. We definitely should've.

But most importantly we established that no matter how uncomfortable something may be, we will still talk about it. Communication has always been our main issue. But I'll be damned if it is this time. I'm not losing her again. She seems happier too, which I love. I love seeing her always having that beautiful smile on her face. I love hearing her infectious laugh. She's always giving me a new perspective on things. She is a stubborn pain in the ass though. But I don't wanna ever be without her again.

One thing about us getting back together. This is us basically making up. What cums with making up... As soon as we get to the room. Lea yanks me in by tugging on my shirt hard. She pushes me against the door to close it. She immediately goes for my belt buckle. "So Lea you don't even wanna unpack.", I ask jokingly. She stops and raises an eyebrow.

She then kisses me deep and rough, biting my lip hard and tugging on it. She sticks her hand in my boxers. She pulls in and out of me and then reaches deep in me. She reaches deep enough to play with my spot. I lean my head back on the door. "Fuck.",  I whisper. She then stops and pulls out of me. She sucks on her fingers and smirks. She then says, "It doesn't feel like you give a fuck about unpacking."

She begins to help undress me. Once I'm naked she instructs, "Lay down." I squint. "On this dirty ass floor?" She smirks. "Yes beautiful." Dammit she knows I love it when she calls me beautiful. As I'm laying down she tells me, "Don't worry. I'll make sure you're clean when we take our shower.

As I'm laying here in awe, Lea begins to take off her clothes directly in front of me. Her body has always been so beautiful to me. She joins me on the floor but she's on her knees in between mine. She then hovers over me. I cup her face and then I bring her to my mouth. Kissing her softly and slowly. She begins to kiss me slightly harder and slightly deeper.

Better (A Sinner's Bible sequel) (womanxwoman) 18+ (incomplete) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now