Part 4

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Today my dad sent me to school by a car since,..I'm late for school.

Geez I need to hurry- luckily it's really not that far.

Suddenly,I saw someone running. "Wait Dad,stop-!"  I asked my Dad to stop. "What's wrong?" He frown at me..I open the window and shout,

"Senior!Wanna have a ride?" I asked her and she look so worried since,..She had two choices now in her head..But still,she came.

She hop into the car while panting heavily.. "Thanks."

Luckily my dad didn't complain anything..He continue to drive cause he also gonna be late for work.. "I'm sorry dad." I said to my father. "It's fine..Just go to school and study hard." He said and I just nod.

After a few minute,Dad dropped us front of the gate...Sana unnie bowed and thanks at my dad and we both going out from the car in hurry to get inside.

"y/n wait!" My dad suddenly call me.

I stopped and approaching my dad who also in hurry getting out from the car. "You forgot your money." He get some money from his wallet and I still can look inside..

He don't have too much money left.

"Here." He handed me the money but I shook my head.. "No it's okay dad..I already had mine." I lied.

"Are you sure??Don't lie." He said and I force a smiles. "Yes..I'm not lying...I'll be just fine..You can keep the money,besides..You also need it..Well- I'm going inside now..Bye dad,take care at work.." I run inside cause luckily.

I still have one more minute!

Getting inside the class, the same time I bumped with the teacher. "Auch- SORRY TEACHER!" I bowed down and he giggle. "It's fine..Now Go back to your seat." He said in angelic tone.

No wonder why everyone love Mr.Jeon..He's a nice teacher.

I sit down and heaved a sigh.

"Nice shot!" Jihyo chuckled at me and I frown. "What?" She continue giggle..How idiot.. "Nothing!"




Sana POV

it's break lunch..

I went to cafeteria since canteen is full..I saw y/n with her friends here..I actually wanna approach them cause I wanna thanks her..

And as I arrive there,I noticed,she didn't ate anything.

"Y/n...I have something to say." I said and her other friends looking at me same goes to Tzuyu,one of my junior that in the same club as mine.

"what is it unnie?" she asked and I smiles. "Thanks for the ride today..I actually late cause I forgot set my alarm last night." I sigh and she gave me a  bright smiles.

"Not a problem..Anytime!" She said and I don't know why- I really love her energy..

But-  "Why you're not eating?" I asked and she just giggle. "I'm not hungry..Oh- why you standing there senior?Here sit down.." She gave me the seat and I refused...but she keep on telling me to sit,so finally I gave up.

I sat down.


Together with,my junior?I mean- all of them my junior..How embarassing..I'm the only one older here..

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