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"Do you like baseball?" Was the first thing Aaron heard when she woke up. "Baby?"

"I love baseball, but why are you asking?" She asked as she raised up.

Edward smiled as he kissed her. "Today, there is a storm and when we have storms we play." Aaron gave him a look of why. "You'll see why."

Aaron nodded as she wrapped her arms around him. "It's been peaceful. No dram from you know who. Just you and me." She said. "There is one thing that I have to ask." Edward nodded for her to continue. "Is it safe for me to go with you all. I know Alice has been watching the nomads, but it's still scares me."

"Alice claimed that they were leaving..."

"Edward, I love Alice, but they could hear us." She tells him as he looked at her. "Promise me that you will keep me safe."

"I always will keep you safe, Aaron." Edward tells her. "That's a promise that I intend to keep."
At the game, Aaron was watching with curiosity. The game was going great so far and she was enjoying herself. Even though she was helping Esme, but she didn't mind. She's only human.

In Forks, Bella didn't know she was being watched. The three nomads listened to her rambling. "That bitch thinks she has him. She doesn't." She said. "Edward's mine, but no, he says she's the one. I'm his mate. She's nothing but Alice's look a like...."

The three nomads shared a look before leaving. A look a like and she's human. James was wondering if Alice was the same girl he was supposed to kill years ago. They walked further into the woods to leave when they heard a game.

Aaron smiled as she watched till she saw her aunt's face. "Alice?" She said as she stood up with Esme holding her. "What's wrong?"

'Stop!" Alice said causing everyone to run in.

Edward ran straight to Aaron and started panicking. Aaron grabbed Edward's face causing him to look at her. "You promised me to keep me safe. Don't panic over this." She tells him. "I know you'll keep me safe."

Edward sighed as he hugged her. Esme walked over to her husband as they all focused on the tree line. Aaron looked at Edward as he kissed her head. "I'm right here."

"I know you are."

Aaron didn't say much as she stayed in Edward's arms. They watched Carlisle walk forward introducing them. James saw the girl with long hair and remembered she was the girl he was supposed to kill, but one problem. There's two of them. Edward dragged Aaron away from them just as the wind blew. She may not have a scent, but he knows a human smell from a vampire one. "You brought a snack."

Aaron watched Edward stand in front of her as he was keeping her safe. She grabbed Edward telling him it was time to go. Edward wrapped his arms around her as they walked away. Edward put Aaron on his back as he ran off. "I'm his next meal. Am I?"

"No, you're no ones next meal." Edward tells her as they stopped. He looked at her and touched her cheek. "I promise to keep you safe and I will keep that promise. Anything for you."

Aaron smiled as she kissed him. "Take me home so we can plan our next move."


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