Chapter 117

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I was sitting on the couch cradling Emerson in one arm and balancing my laptop on my lap. She finally fell asleep. Tony quietly walked into the room and sat next to me.

"I hate doing this to you." He said.

"Don't. I'm staying home from work with her tomorrow to take her to the doctor, you are not. I can handle a sleepless night."

It was 4:00 am and Emerson had been awake screaming all night with a 100 degree fever. We both looked over at her. Her face was stained with tears and her cheeks were rosey red. Tony rubbed her cheek lightly.

"What do you think she has?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. I hope it isn't anything too serious. Her 1st Christmas and 1st birthday are just around the corner. I cant imagine the poor baby sick on both of those." I frowned.

"I'll be right back." He said.

He headed to the basement. A few minutes later he walked back up with Emerson's bassinet, which confused me since she had been sleeping in her own bed for a couple months now.

"I thought we got rid of that?" I asked.

"We might need it again someday."

"No we will not. 3 is plenty."

"Fine, but maybe the boys will need it someday." He said.

He sat the bed next to the couch and slowly took Emmy from my arms and laid her down.

"I'll finish the rest of the night out here on the couch. Go to bed. Atleast for a while. You can't pull an all nighter then drive her to the doctor tomorrow. I won't have it." He said, making himself comfortable on the couch.

I shook my head.

"I promise I'll sleep. Just not right now. I can't." I answered.

"Why? What's up? What are you looking at?"

He opened up my laptop. On the screen was a picture of my brother and I. Coop was the same age as Easton at the time. I looked up at him.

"Just been one of those nights. Him and Easton are identical. It's so hard to look at Easton and not see Coop." I said, staring at the screen.

He pulled me close, comforting me.

A few hours later it was time to take Emmy to the doctor. I had yet to sleep.

I laid her on that cold table she hated so much as she pouted at me.

Before I knew it, they were hooking her to an I.V. in an actual hospital room. I stepped to the side to let them do their thing as I called Tony.

"Hey, when you get off work head to the hospital. Emerson has pneumonia."

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