They see you injured

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Miguel- Before he does anything he makes sure you're okay and wants to know exactly what happened. He'll be a alittle relieved if it was an accident. Like you got hit playing dodge ball or accidentally hit yourself. If you actually got hit by anyone. He's going full boyfriend protection mode.

Hawk-  Actually loses his shit. "WHO DID IT. IM GONNA KILL HIM." He won't even let you explain it was an accident. You literally have to wait for this man to calm the fuck down before you can calmly explain to him that it was a accident that happened at work.

Tory- She'll let you explain before she acts. If she thinks you're lying to her though...let's just say she's going to make you tell her the truth.

Robby-  He'll grab your face [in a caring way] and ask if you're okay. He'll want to know what happened so he can handle the situation. If it was an accident he would just tell you to be careful. However if someone initially hurt you...well..Miguel all over again?

Sam- She knows you get easily stressed out so she takes a more calm approach to you when you're hurt. She'll ask if you're okay and what happened while getting a drink and snack. She'll wait for you to explain what happened by yourself instead of forcing you to tell her.

Demetri- Freaks out. Full panic mode. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" "Oh my gosh what if you have internal bleeding??" ...'Baby I cut my hand at work. It's not even deep.'

Moon- Acts very calm but in the inside she's freaking tf out. She's like Sam and waits for you to explain the situation yourself before she goes full panic mode.

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