All Might's Motivational Advice

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It wasn't rocket science that the news definitely killed me.

Being a hero was every kid's dream. And for mine's to shatter in one go because I didn't have a quirk, it devastated me for months.

I was sure that I fell into depression, my father thought that too as I stayed curled up in bed most of my time when I got home from school or from an event my father brought me to.

Soon it went on for a year, still staying in the past as I continued to stay in that depressing state.

It's been a year since Y/n received the bad news from his checkup. The boy was awake in his bed after another nightmare he had about the doctor telling him he was quirkless while his classmates laughed and teased him as his e/c eyes stared at the ceiling in the dim room.

The moon shined delicately into his window, hugging tight at his plushie that always helped him go to sleep. It wasn't doing a great job since it doesn't help with the long term glum the boy kept in him after that very day.

Unconsciously, Y/n gets out of his bed as he still held onto his stuffed hero, heading downstairs and took a cup of cold milk and drank it.

He threw it into the sink and was about to head back upstairs to try and go back to bed.

...But this morning was different...

Once again, his head turns towards a black screen with his feet glued to the floor. He finds a small case, one of the few discs that showed a compilation of his favorite hero subduing criminals and being plain awesome in his eyes.

He guides himself to the tv and popped the disc into the video player, his television illuminated a dark light and before he knew it, "Ha ha ha!"

There he was. The man he admires the most as he laughs on top of a grand building with his hands on his hips. "You don't have to worry anymore! Why?"

He points at himself.

"Because I am here!"

And so the compiled videos begin, he remembers every single video that played since he watches this everyday before realizing his ineligibility for a quirk.

Yet that thought disappears temporarily after a few minutes of watching, the smile the kid once had had finally came back as he watches the hero punch, kick, and slam every bad guy that appears on the screen.

For the first time in a year, I wasn't so down about myself. It was like every painful memory I gained from the past had been wiped away.

I was so happy.

Even if I didn't have a quirk, there was one thing I could do and that was to continue to show my support to my all-time hero...

...That small thought was about to cross my mind...


Soon the video was coming to an end after at least an hour of running time, Y/n knew the screen would turn dark and that Y/n had to go to sleep soon.

He lets out a sigh, watching a bit of All Might's interview and was about to shut the tv off.

"Tell us, All Might... If you could say one thing to all everyone aspiring to become a hero, what advice would you tell them?"

"Anyone can be a hero..."

Y/n stops his finger and glanced up at the screen to see All Might throwing a thumbs up in the air.

"You just have to keep working hard and improve that quirk and you'll be a professional before you know it!"

I was so fixated at All Might's words at that time...

But those five words echoed continuously in my mind and was repeated out of my mouth...

"...Anyone can be a hero..."

Y/n then jumps up to his feet, the television finally shuts off as the h/c down at the plushed All Might in his hands. "I CAN be a hero..."

...And I took that personally...

"...I can be a hero!" He said it louder before rephrasing it into something more positive.

"I will be a hero!"

Now that mindset was scorched into his head, he didn't care if he didn't have a quirk anymore. If All Might said that he can be a hero, "I will be a hero!"

He shouted the same thing over and over again, hopping around the room while throwing his toy in the air, still giddily until,

"What are you shouting for at five in the morning?"

His father comes in, rubbing his eyes tiredly as his son turns to him with a large smile that he hasn't seen in such a long time. He wanted to be happy as well.

"I'm going to be a hero!"

But that feeling went away when he finds out his son was still in his denying state, he wanted to say something but the small patter of his feet quickens up to his room and heard the door shut loudly.

His father only shakes his head, tears welled up in his e/c eyes.

"...I have to break it to him soon..."

And so my journey officially began.

Well, not yet since I didn't know a single thing about working out and what to do.

It took a few more days but then my journey actually began.

Kendo Itsuka x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now