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Soon enough, three more years has finally passed as it was always the same old same old

Wake up, work or learn, find a fight go on between heroes and villains, go home, and sleep.

It was the usual schedule that everyone unintentionally took but nobody complained.

But right now you guys are asking... "Y/n? When's the action starting? Why is the beginning arc so long? When can we see you get a girlfriend?"

I'll explain later on because this three year timeskip gave me some great memories...

...And a discovery I have learned about myself...

As of now, there was a fight going on. Like always, the heroes of Musutafu are trying to subdue the villains wreaking havoc and endangering lives in the city. A great fight to gaze upon as the heroes tries their best to fend off the villains before whatever they desired for becomes true.

Everyone was in awe, especially one kid who was climbing up the escape ladder and balcony that was built alongside the building. He had a backpack on, a face mask on to keep his identity safe as he strives for the top.

Why was this part of my life important?

I also realized something while I trained and learned more about the heroes, veterans and newbies.

Once he made it to the top, he sprints towards the edge, sitting down as he unzips his bag and takes a pencil and book out. Along with that was a small bag of beef jerky, open and ready to snack on as the h/c takes his mask off to find a more refined boy we once loved and knew.

Yup, that is me... The one with the e/c eyes and h/c hair? Still me... What puberty could do to a boy...

But that wasn't the reason why we are not at the main plot...

The boy eats a piece of jerky, watching the fight from afar as he observed the the number of heroes and villains present while identifying each one of them, he could find one manipulating some blue strings from afar. "There's Best Jeanist..."

Then he would find something similar to Best Jeanist's power, only brown as he finds one of his most beloved heroes growing up. "There's Kamui Woods...Man, he's really cool..." he takes a good look at Kamui who rescued some civilians and fighting off a large muscular villain while more heroes were runs to the scene of the crime to help out.

Y/n continues to watch them slowly disarm the villain, another one of his heroes back in his elementary days appears suddenly. 

"Oh shit... There's Eraser Head..." he exclaims softly and was now more focused than ever. To the fight that was as he was snapped from his fanboyish state and focused on why he was truly here.

He flips through the pages of his book, fan art of his heroes and their quirks, outfits, and weapons as he focuses on one specific section. "I need a weapon..."

I needed a weapon...

That's right, we're going slowly instead of throwing everything at once as if it was a bio chapter of some mediocre fan fiction with no effort whatsoever... kind of dumb if you ask me and the author...

His eyes lands in every offensive weapon he could imagine that might intrigue him. And with every piece he has seen, none seemed efficient to him at the very least. He tosses it to the side and lands on his back, obviously frustrated at him being so picky.

"What's a weapon that I can use? I want a weapon... It can be really basic, I don't care..."

Y/n complains more as he punches the ground and made a visible bruise to the building.

This was one of the hardest things I went through...

Even if my body wasn't hurt physically, I would be lying if I told you that I was going to flip out because I didn't have a weapon in stock...

But... things started to spark... my brain, that is...

He glanced at his knuckles that had a visible purple mark on one of them. Static starts to emit in his head, a brainstorm as he thought of a few weapons that could help with his unexplainable power that he kept building over the last few years he trained.

It wasn't much but he thought about making gloves and shoes. But not just any shoes and gloves but he was going to create some that can suppress the impact of his kicks and punches. If he can, add some more damage with the outer layer as he got excited and throws his book backwards and giggled softly. 

There was a small smile on his face. "...I have so much brain meats, I could pass the U.A. Entrance Exams if it was only written..."

And that's when he runs into another obstacle.

"...Who in the city would own some unbreakable material for me to wield and make?"

Now, it sounded illegal...

"Let's go! The boss hates it when we slack off and we don't bring the goods to his warehouse!"

Y/n hears a man talking from an alley nearby, peering over the ledge to find out his wish has been answered.

...because it is...

...I was about to do something illegal just for me to become a hero...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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