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June 25th

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June 25th

"Papa?" I crawled on Silas.

"Hm?" He answered half sleep. We have a long night last night.

"Wake up please."

"In an hour."

"No." I pouted kissing his lips softly.

He opened his eyes slowly smiling at me.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Happy birthday old man!"

"Thank you baby." He laughed holding me.

"I made you breakfast." I said pointing at the dresser.

" I said pointing at the dresser

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"Mmm thank you baby. It looks good."

"You're welcome. Eat up." I smiled getting up.

I went to clean the kitchen. Silas and I have been attending therapy for the past month and life has gotten better. I understand him and he understands me. We still have our differences but we aren't as toxic.

"Kleo if you could ask Silas one thing so you could have closure and move on... What would it be?" Our therapist asked.

"I would ask him, why... the kidnapping, the lying, the cheating. Why." I said looking at the ground.

"I wasn't really thinking shit through. I was only thinking about me. I never had guidance on what to do nor how to love. Only person who never gave up was you. I didn't need the guns, the money, the crazy ass cars, none of it. I was poor financially, but so rich when it came to love. When I lost you I thought I lost you for real. So I thought kidnapping you would do something... lying to force marriage would do something. I did nothing but proved you loved me more. You knew I wasn't going to kill you if you declined the marriage. Yet you did it thinking it would help me. I cheated not thinking straight. Not to make any excuses but I felt unwanted. I thought of letting you go then. Of course I felt unwanted you was kidnapped and I expected shit to be easy. I never meant to hurt you nor embarrass you. I promise baby. I never want to cause you pain again, because hurting you hurts me. I wouldn't want another nigga with you so I'm not trying to do anything to make you run to another man's arms." He said grabbing my face looking me in my eyes as tears filled his. I wiped my face before wiping his.

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