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6 Years Later

6 Years Later

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"Baby..." I heard softly before I felt Kleo kissing my face nonstop.

"What?" I asked pulling her into me.

"Soraya has her first day of 1st grade, Kyaire has his first day of kindergarten, and Sana laying right by you so be careful."

"Okay baby. What time is it?"

"7 a.m. they eating breakfast right now. I will be at work when they get out, but I'll be home for dinner to be ready at a decent time."

"8a-3p right?" I asked clarifying.

"Correct. Get there early so you won't be waiting." She said rubbing my face.

I nodded stretching before opening my eyes to see my youngest eyeing me.

"Hey Sana Bug." I said watching her give me a gummy smile. I softly kissed her as Kleo got up to check on the other two.

"Let's take the princess a bath." I said watching her babble.

"You real talkative this morning. A lot must've happened when daddy went out." I said washing her body up. I finished her bath and put lotion and a diaper on her. I decided to put a dress on her since Kleo said I dress them to boyish.

I let her lay in the bed with pillows around her as she watched some Disney movie. I decided to get myself ready. I showered and threw on a white tee and some gray shorts, as well as my Air Force 1's.

I kissed my bug's little toes and picked her up going downstairs.

"Soraya please be still." I heard Kleo begging.

"Raya just stop moving, we are going to be late."

"Klaire- SORAYA KLAIRE listen to your mama. Stop moving." I interrupted Kleo and said.

"Daddy!" Kyaire ran to me looking like his mama.

"Big man. You ready for school?" I asked bending down hugging him.

My five year old son might look like Kleo, but he's all me. His mouth, his temper, his attitude, his manly ways is all me, Silas King.

"No. I want to stay home with you and mommy and watch Spider-Man all day." He said frowning.

"We can watch Spider-Man after school Aire." I explained to him sitting on the couch. He wasted no time laying up under me.

I looked over at my beautiful wife to see her focusing on getting their lunch together. Soraya got in where she could fit in and cuddled me.

"You got an attitude because daddy yelled?" I asked Soraya kissing her cheek.

She nodded her head.

I laughed explaining she can't be hard headed not listening to her mom.

"I'm sorry." She said watching something on her iPad.

"It's cool princess. Y'all get up so I can check on mommy."

I hopped up to see Kleo zipping their lunch boxes.

"You so pretty." I said watching her cheese hard.

"Stop Silas." She mumbled hiding her face.

"Girl I've watched 4 babies slide out of you. You still want to be shy?" I teased pulling her closer.

"You not getting none." She mumbled.

"10 minutes?" I smirked.

"Nope let's take them to school and drop Sana to my mama." She said brushing past me.

I bet I get some when we get home.

"First day pictures y'all" Kleo said picking Aire up. I grabbed Soraya and put her in my opposite arm of Sana.

"Aire do this." Kleo said making a face.

"His mama boy ass did it too." I said watching her look at the pictures.

"You a mamas boy too." She said holding Aire as he laid his head on her shoulder.

"I'm mamas man. Get it right." I said gripping her ass with my free hand. I leaned down to kiss her and Kyaire sat up and grabbed her face and kissed her instead.

"Yeah we taking you to school." I said salty. We got in the car and headed to drop everyone off.

"Can we go to Starbucks?" Kleo asked sweetly.

"Later. Let me get you home real quick." I said driving to our house.

We pulled into the driveway and Kleo went to our room and started stripping.

We had a quickie before going our separate ways. I want one more baby, but Kleo says she's done. I feel like we can compromise for one more boy. Once school let out I picked the kids up and went home getting them started on their homework so they could get washed up.

By time Kleo came in everyone was clean and watching television waiting on dinner. We all ate and went to bed.

I couldn't help but smile. All my life I never really had this love. Only if she knew she's the reason I'm so whole. With out her I'll be dead or in jail, but she changed me. Our kids bring out a new side in me to the point all my money is clean. I'm happy. Shugg and Ryan had a son named Leo along with Miracle. Missy popped out two babies for both Frenzy and Ace. They name them: Mya and Mario. Hush and Leigha had a daughter and son named Royalty and Prince. And Raz and Rue just hoes.

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