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August 27th

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August 27th

"Baby." I whispered in Kleo's ear.

"Hmm?" She mumbled half sleep.

"I'm about to go."

"Take me with you."

"You came with me yesterday pretty girl. I would love for you to be with me all day. But you have business to handle too."

She pouted nodding her head.

I leaned over pecking her lips a few times before heading out.

It's a must I go to the trap. Then tonight is my big club event.

"Yes mamas?" I said answering the phone.

"Can you come back home?"

"What's wrong baby? You need something?"



"You didn't tell me you love me."

"I love you mamas."

"I love you more. See you tonight?"

"Yes baby." I smiled. We said our goodbyes before hanging up.

"Hey bro." Hush said as soon as I walked in.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much I think I'm throwing another Christmas party this year or maybe a New Years party."

"Let me know so we can plan around it."

"For sure. You ready to get down to business before tonight?"

"Unfortunately yes." I opened the door to see the whole crew sitting at the table.

"Issue." Frenzy said.

"What?" I said

"12 on us. They on our payroll but it's a new chief in town." Ace explained.

"Sooooo?" Shugg asked.

"We getting raided soon. They say next month but it's best we get to moving shit now." Frenzy explained.

"I don't have time for this shit." I mumbled.

"Well make time! You busy playing house! We all are and forgetting what matters most at this moment our freedom! Then ain't no fucking house to be played it's jail." Hush snapped.

"He right. You might be the leader Silas, but we one. We all play an important part." Ace said rubbing his temples.

"We need to be discreet. I got a house kind of in the middle of no where. We can move it there. Only thing is I know they watching us to clock our every move. We still got dead bodies downstairs decaying."  I explained.

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