Chapter 4: Mutants

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Ashley shook the thought from her head. No, her own mother would never kill her father. No, she couldn't be really related to this... this monster. She looked back at Tony, who pulled her into a hug. "Why did she..?" Ashley tried to ask. Tony placed his hands on her shoulder and cupped her cheek.

      "The Phoenix Force drew Jean Grey mad. Apparently, you were born a bit before she had gone mad, and then, Fury had a call from a man named Xavier, who had been called by Rogue, that you were an orphan. Storm was nowhere in sight, and Rogue was terrified, so that made her desperate, almost killed you, but that aside," Tony sighed, smiling a bittersweet smile at Ashley. "You have a family now, Bucky, Clint and his family, the former Avengers, Pepper, Morgan and I, we'll always be your family."

       "That's not what I'm afraid of, Tony," Ashley said, a tear falling down her cheek, "I'm scared of going mad. I don't have only the Phoenix Force, but I have the remains of the Infinity Stones in my blood, Tony. I'm terrified!" She sobbed onto his shoulder, her body shook with each gulp for breath. She didn't want this, she couldn't even imagine being able to stay sane, since Jean had the Phoenix Force as well, but couldn't control it. How much could she? She had double the problems.

       After a while, it was time for Tony to leave. He made sure to remind Ashley that she wasn't and won't ever be alone, to which she gratefully hugged him, smiling at him. She then walked back towards the lab, not noticing the others behind her. She kept on reading about her; Jean Grey.

       She would've continued if Bucky didn't walk in the room, telling her that Wong wanted to talk with her. She hesitantly walked out of the lab and towards the room where Wong was staying. Ashley couldn't remove the thought of Jean Grey from her head. Jean Grey, a woman that was corrupted by the Phoenix Force, the same thing Ashley had within her soul.

        Ashley walked in to see the Sorcerer Supreme, who gave her a welcoming smile. Ashley sat down and looked at him, confusion and worry etched on her face. Wong sighed as he sat down in front of her, "Ashley, you do know that now I will have to teach you, or try to teach you  on how to use your powers now, right?"

   Ashley nodded, her mind still thinking of Jean Grey. "Yeah, I know. I'm just...thinking about the new villain. Nothing else."

   Wong raised an eyebrow in her direction, and Ashley let out a sigh through her nose. "Yeah, um, can I ask where is Stephen? Been meaning to contact him, y'know,, since the whole ordeal with Christine."

   "He's fine, crying, but still okay."

   "That's good." Ashley looked away, "That was it, by the way."
   The wizard nodded his head, but wasn't entirely convinced. "We start tomorrow, alright? I am going to leave now."

        Ashley nodded as she stood up. Before Wong left, he quickly turned around and smiled a knowing look at her, "I know you're into Strange, you don't have to deny it."


        Wong laughed as he exited the building and into the portal, which was connected to the Sanctum.

        That night she couldn't sleep. She felt as if her hand was pulsing with pain, but also as if she was being choked. Her strength was slowly leaving her, but her mind was racing with thoughts.

         Jean Grey, The Dark Phoenix, The Phoenix Force, Mutants. Scott Summers.

         Instead of trying to sleep anymore, she got up and walked towards the lab, buttoning a white shirt over her shoulders, as the summer night was too warm for her liking, but she didn't like having people looking at her with shorts and tank tops on, so it'd have to do for now.

         Scott Summers, the Mutant known as Cyclops; Ororo Munroe, known as the mutant leader, Storm; Logan, aka James Howlett, was the Wolverine. She even found two more people who were of interest; Professor Xavier, aka Professor X, the most powerful telepath of all time, founder of the school Xavier's School for Gifted Youngers. And one who had been his best  friend. Erik Lensherr, Magneto. She'd start at the school. The place would have to have her answers

       "F.R.I.D.A.Y, give me the location of this place," Ashley said, looking forward and not thinking about anything else. It didn't take the AI long to find the place, as it was in New York. Ashley nodded to herself, knowing this is where she would go. Just to talk, and nothing more. Find Logan, Professor X or Storm, that's what she would do. That's exactly what she would do in the morning.

         Ashley had arrived at the school at last, but she wasn't expecting the lack of students in the courtyard. She guessed they had classes, but that didn't stop her. She walked into the school with wonder, adjusting her hands in the pockets of her hoodie to hide her prosthetic until a voice called out to her.

         "Hey, what are you doing out of class?" A tall metal man asked her, looking down on her. She shook her head. "I don't study here."

        "Then what are you doing here?" He asked, causing her to almost back away, but she fought the urge. She straightened her posture, "I am Ashley Romanova, one of the first era Avengers. I've come here to talk with Professor Xavier."

        Ashley heard a gasp, causing her to turn around. A woman with dark hair and white strands looked at her with shock. "Bobby..." she called out. A man walked out beside her, his eyes widened as well. "She looks like Scott, but she's got eyes like-"

        " Jean's," the woman finished. "Colossus, get Storm."   The giant tin man began running. "What? Can I please speak with Professor Xavier? It's important, trust me."

         The woman was paralyzed in her place. Ashley began walking closer to her, but 'Bobby' walked in between them, looking at Ashley with a familiarity, which made Ashley feel ever so slightly intimidated. "Please, just let me speak to Professor Xavier!"

         "I'm afraid that won't be possible."
         Ashley still had her back to the voice behind her. "Why not?"

         Storm frowned, "He was killed a long time ago. Now, who are you and what do you want?"

         Ashley turned around and when she did, Storm gasped. "You're Jean and Scott's baby..." Ashley looked at her in curiosity. "So you did know them, huh." Storm looked at her, tears gathering in her eyes. "You look exactly like them." Ashley didn't know what to say; as she never met them in reality and only saw pictures, also given the fact that she only found out about them less than a week ago. She sighed, holding onto her necklace that dangled around her neck.

          "Then, I might need to know about them, and the Phoenix Force, if you don't mind, that is."

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