Chapter 10: An Unforgettable Encounter

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Ashley sat alone atop the Avengers' Facility. She looked out towards the sunset, admiring the colours that warmed into  one. She thought of  her life, what had come till now. She wished she could be beside Stephen Strange right now, as he was quite the interesting man. He used to  stare at the sunset at some point with her. She remembered when she first met him. It was when Loki first attacked Earth, when the chitauri attacked them. When he was just finishing up a surgery before he basically helped Ashley get back out to fight (much against his desire).

  She was running as fast as she could. Tony just dropped her down on the ground, and she did a front roll. She  was only  fourteen, and here she was; fighting several chitauri at once. She threw several out of  her way, protecting herself and the people. When she spun around to look for any more possible victims, Captain America called out for her. "Tiny Romanoff, there's a man and woman in need of help."

   "And you can't because...?"

   A loud grunt was heard in the earpiece she wore as she heard him then let out a yell. Finally he was panting heavily, "Because I've got more than a few chitauri here."


   Ashley ran towards the street Steve mentioned, where she found a hospital, where people were screaming. She was then flung into the hospital where the glass of a window shattered. She was breathing heavily  as she groaned in pain. It  wasn't until she realized she had fallen into a pediatric ward. The chitauri struggled against her, as it was physically larger than her, she thought of burning it, as its mind was uncontrollable, as there was nothing for her to control. They ran and wrestled each other in the corridor, where two more chitauri–which made it three now– fought the fourteen year-old at the same time, which made her struggle.

   They crashed into another wall, which led to another room. Ashley skidded across the floor the second she elbowed one chitauri, kicking another one and the third jumping on top of her, clawing at her. She held her hands in front of  her to push it away and keep her face clear. She looked up to see a surgeon staring at her, a man, tall and wide, piercing blue eyes. She smiled nervously at him. "Hi!"

   The table of  his tools was right on her left, so using her telekinesis, she used them to impale the chitauri,  while the doctors and nurses cried out. The chitauri flew away thanks to her powers, and she spun around and furrowed her brows. "What the hell is everyone doing here? There is a literal rampage out there! Close up the body and hurry up!"

   "We can't just close him!"  A nurse exclaimed. "It takes time!"

   "Well, then hurry up! I can't  protect you all day! I  got others to save!" Ashley hissed as she looked at her arm, where two  parallel claw marks were on her forearm. Blood stained the torn sleeve as she tried to freeze it.  One of the doctors let out some groans in annoyance of her actions. She then heard him mutter, "We're closing him up. Then I'm going to see if you need my help with that."

   It was then the female doctor gasped at the child's wound. Then, it all clicked. "You're an Avenger."

   "Well–spotted, Watson."

   "And you're bleeding," the man said.

   "No kidding, Sherlock."

   "Are you always this snappy?" The woman sighed as she asked, helping the man close up the patient before them, only for the nurses to roll away the patient as Ashley was being helped by the doctors. "I don't need help!"

   "We're not letting an Avenger bleed out," the woman argued. "I'm Christine Palmer and–"

   "Aaaaaaaaand I have a world to save," Ashley grumbled. The doctor stared at her, glaring at her, "Do you really think you can help anyone in this state? Unfreeze that there so we can help!"

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