Honeywell dreamscape 3

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Co-author: HoneyTheGaey

On the other side of the portal, they appeared in a world that looked exactly like their own, but without all the color. Everything looked faded, dull, and rotting. The three look around the house. In the living room, their husbands "true-selves" sat on the couch, staring at the wall.

When the three girls made it downstairs into the living room, they saw their husbands. They each had a different level of color. Ollie had the most color out of all of them. Issy was more on the muted side, with his colors more towards greys, while Eddie was only black and whites. They all had a blank stare, except for Ollie. He had a slight smile. Colors and good emotions were something that had to be earned in the mirror world. You had to treat others with kindness and respect in order to earn it.

Evelyn looks at Ollie, slightly shocked, but she puts the pieces together and realizes that Oliver didn't actually cheat on her. Ivy looks intrigued by the three but doesn't move, just examines them. Abigail rolls her eyes and drags the two out the door.

As they walk along the village path, they notice that most of the houses and people were also muted colors. There weren't many people that had a ton of color. They all had dull looks on their faces. They continue to walk until they make it to a forest, where the trees slowly gain more and more color, the farther it goes.

"I think that's a good sign." Evelyn's soft voice rings out through the silence.

"It probably is, especially with the state of this town." Ivy nods her head in agreement.

"I guess we don't have much of a choice, we'll have to follow the trees," Abigail says, with a loud, long sigh as she pinches the bridge of her nose. She couldn't believe that she just said that.

The further in they got, the trees started to slowly morph into crystals. It was almost like they had walked into an amethyst. There were lots of purples, and it slowly got darker the farther they went.

Finally, in the center, they saw these three women, full of colors, sitting on a crystal rock with their backs turned.

"Who are you and what have you done with our husbands?" Abigail demanded, stepping in front of the two others. Abigail thought that she was going insane when the woman on the rock didn't move. Instead, they saw a cage slide out of the darkness with their husbands inside. Evelyn rushed up and tried to grab Oliver's hand, but it's blocked by one of the witches, who kept her back turned. On the other side of the rock, a mirror appeared. Abigail looked into it, expecting to see herself looking back with dull eyes, and dark eye bags, but instead saw a beautiful girl looking back at her. She had the same light purple eyes as Abigail, but instead of all auburn hair, there were blue streaks scattered through her hair. She had scales.

"We're the witches. We stole your husbands in order to show you who you really are. You wouldn't believe us otherwise. Abigail, the only way that you're going to stop going insane from this world, is to kill Eddie. That'll snap you back to reality." One of the witches says. "That's the only way you'll get your husbands safely through the portal."

The cage door opens and the husbands rushed out. Oliver runs to Evelyn and embraces her tightly. Issac simply walks up to Ivy and gives her a nice, but awkward, hug. And Edwin... He also walks up to Abigail but doesn't hug her, even though the look in his eyes really showed that he wanted to. Instead, Abigail went with a handshake.

They make their way back through the forest. As they walked Abigail tests out her newfound powers. It's like a flood gate was opened and she just knew how to do it. Back at the house, Abigail opens a portal and pushes Evelyn and Oliver through.

Abigail holds up the necklace that The Widow gave her, which sucked souls out of bodies. Turning to Eddie, she holds it up as it glows an unsettling bright red. Ivy snatches it next and does the same to Ollie and Issy.

As the bodies fall to the ground, Edwin and Issac, horrified, run towards the portal. As Issac passes Ivy he grabs her wrist and drags it through as well. The portal closes behind them. Before Abigail leaves she decides to face the witches once and for all, accepting her fate as a wicked woman. Turning to them she raised up the necklace once more with a trembling hand. The witches slowly began to fade as she fell to the ground, tears in her eyes. She was exhausted after this long chase to rescue her unfaithful husband that didn't want to be with her anyways. Tears slowly slipped from her beautiful purple eyes, the tears eventually grew to painful sobs racking her body.

The clock rang. It was thirteen minutes past nine... It was time for Abigail L. Honeywell to get up. She looked over, expecting empty sheets and was pleasantly surprised to find her husband laying there, looking at her, with loving eyes.

"Good morning, Abigail, my dear." He said, quietly.

"Was... Was that all a dream?" Abigail whispered, still tired from the exhausting nightmare.

"Was what a dream?" worry laced his tone.

"I had to save you from these three witches in a different world."

A melodic laugh left his smiling lips, "Yes, dear, that was a dream. I've been here, waiting for you to wake up, my beautiful wife."

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