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[hi, hello, and welcome to this (probably) really awful camilo madrigal x reader. I hope you enjoy it <3]

From the first time I met Camilo Madrigal, I hated him. He was super annoying, with his self-pleased smirk, his proud expression, and his snarky comments. Along with his insane attractiveness and cute smile. I didn't want anything to do with him.

I stared at the beautiful house, it's colours and aliveness enchanting me immediately.

"Wow," I said. "This place is amazing."

I shared a quick smile with my twin brother. A rare occurrence, the two of us actually showing any kind of affection for each other.

"See!" Our mother smiled at us. "I knew you guys would like Encanto once we got here. No matter how much you complained on the way."

That may comment was directed at me. I blushed, and gave a half-shrug. I didn't want to move home, away from all the people I knew and was comfortable with, but this place... it was truly incredible.

"So where's the famous Madrigal home?" My brother, Leo, was bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement.

He had be thrilled at the news that we would be moving to the famous city of Encanto. He especially wanted to meet the Madrigal family.

My mother smiled. "At the head of town. That way." She pointed down the street, to a big house that was fabled to be literally alive.

"Whoa," Leo said. "Can we go see it? Maybe we'll be able to meet some of the Madrigals!"

Our mother laughed. "Alright, run along you two. I'll get the luggage inside. But when you get back, you're the ones who are going to be doing all the unpacking!"

"Okay Mum!" we both said at once, and took off running down the main street .

On the way, I kept getting distracted by all the pretty colours of everyone's dresses, skirts, and tops. I loved embroidery, and the amazing designs of some of the girls' and boys' clothes here fascinated me. Annoyingly, my mother hated embroidery, claiming it made things look messy and too different. Me? That's exactly why I liked it.

One girl in particular stood out to me. She wore a long, full blue skirt, similar to mine (although mine was dark green instead). Her white top was embroidered with pretty flower and butterfly designs, and her skirt was covered in them too. Her quirky glasses and short dark curls made her look really pretty and nice. I hoped I'd get to know her at some point. We looked around the same age.

My green skirt (void of embroidery, unfortunately) swished around my rosy as I ran after Leo. I wore a light pink top, which had a few green flowers embroidered on it, which was why it was probably my favourite top of all.

We came to a stop in front of the Madrigal house. Everyone was bustling about, carrying things in and out of the house, decorating, and yelling at each other to do things.

"Are they having a party?" I wondered aloud. "Or a celebration of some kind?"

"Yep!" A voice behind Leo and I made me start. I turned, only to find myself staring at... myself.

"Huh?" My eyes went wide.

The fake me laughed, and changed into a boy around Leo and my age. "Hi," the boy said, a crazy grin on his face. "I'm Camilo Madrigal."

"I'm Leo," Leo said. "And this is my sister, princesa."

"Hey!" I slapped him on the arm. "Don't call me that!"

The boy, Camilo, smirked. "Princesa, huh?"

"No." I frowned. "My name is Y/N, actually. My dad- he used to call me his little princesa, so that's why Leo here keeps calling me that."

Leo laughed, but he stopped pretty quickly after I glared at him.

"Huh," Camilo mused. "Anyways, princesa, yeah, we're having a party. Antonio, my little brother, is getting his gift today."

I was suddenly interested. "Oh! You guys get gifts, righttt. Now I remember. And you're the shapeshifter."

Camilo grinned, and gave a little bow. "That's me, cariño."

I frowned at him. "You are annoying. Don't call me that. You're almost as bad as Leo."

Camilo smirked. "I'm going to take that as a compliment."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyway. Your brother? How old is he?"


"That's cool," Leo said. "But can we meet the rest of your family?"

Camilo nodded. "Sure. Tonight, at the celebration and ceremony of Antonio getting his gift. The whole of Encanto is invited to attend."

"Awesome!" Leo grinned. "We'll be there, don't worry."

Camilo glanced at me, then looked away quickly.

"Umm... okay awesome! See you two then, I guess. I gotta go, and do, um, Madrigal stuff."

With that, the shape-shifting boy was gone.

"I can't wait for tonight," Leo said. "We get to meet them all! And Camilo was pretty cool." He looked at me. "He likes you."

I glared at him. "He does not. He literally doesn't even know me."

I crossed my arms. "Besides, I literally told him he was annoying to me face. Anyone who likes me after I tell them that is crazy."

Leo shrugged. "Whatever. Camilo Madrigal must be crazy then."

I sighed, shaking my head. "You suck Leo."

Leo grinned suddenly. "I know. Now c'mon, stop being annoying and maybe I'll buy you a stick of candy at that stall over there."


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