And So It Begins
What is this thing you’re about to read? Well, I can tell you this, it isn’t fiction. No, seriously, it isn’t. In fact, I’ll introduce myself. I’m Rachel, also known as sockmonkey. So… what is this story then if it isn’t teen fiction, fantasy, science fiction, or paranormal fiction? Why, it’s my thoughts of course!
Don’t you dare exit before you hear me out. Have you guys ever just thought really deeply about something? Well, I do, a lot. Mostly in the shower, during math class, or when I’m eating. ANYWAYS! I thought it would be fun if I started a sort of... blog?... on here. Each upload will be a really random and more than likely controversial topic that I’ve actually thought about. You, being the awesome people you are, will hopefully comment on your thoughts or if you have any theories, opinions, or things that I should discuss.
Here’s the catch. If I don’t get anybody commenting I’ll probably just delete this seeing as though I’ll feel like a complete and utter idiot. So you guys MUST comment or else you will indirectly kill this thingie mcbobber.
Since this is my first post, I’m going to do something light. A rule that has been engraved in most every American child mine since first grade: I before E except after C.
I mean, seriously. There are so many words that don’t follow this rule such as: eight, either, neither, seize, seizure, albeit, weight, weigh, height plus hundreds-no-thousands more. So really, is the rule even valid?
Alright, alright, so it works in a lot of cases like the words: field, yield, and so on. But you also have the words that literally spits on the rule like the word science. “I” definitely comes before “E” in that word and they are both after “C”… so what gives?
I personally think that this rule should just be thrown out the window. I mean, come on, if I would follow that rule, I would be wrong in my grammar so much that it’s not even funny. Actually, maybe that’s the whole point of the rule. To make us look stupid. I mean, it would be one of the biggest trolls ever. I can just see it now, whoever made the rule up is probably chuckling in his/her grave. They’re probably all like, “Those dull insolent Americans, look at how they follow a rule with so many exceptions.”
So why not just throw out that rule?
Okay, okay, so this isn’t the most interesting rant but it is something I have thought about a lot. I know, I know, I’m weird. You should’ve realized that when you read the title of this whatever this is. What should this even be called? A blog? Is it bad that I don’t even know what a blog is and I’m too lazy to bing it. Yes, I did say bing and not google. I love saying “Bing it on.”
The Random Ranting of a Weird Teenager
Non-FictionI love to talk and what's better than talking? RANTING!!!! So basically this just me ranting about stuff, some extremely odd and others actually meaningful. My hope for this is for you guys to comment on it and we can have a conversation of sorts...