Siblings: Evil, Annoying Spawns of Your Parents

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Raise yo hand if you have siblings?

Hmm... that's a good chunk ;)  

Have they ever annoyed you so much that you just want to through a coffee table at them?  Have you ever been irritated at them enough that you just want to smack them silly?  How about that one bossy sibling?  

If you're like me and come from a bigger family, you probably have that manipulative sister/brother.  He/she can convince you to take the blame and do stupid things just so they can get you in trouble or to get them off the hook.  Then, of course, is the youngest in the family.  In my case, that would be my adorable little sister.  Well, she was adorable until she hit her teens and it's like all hell let loose.  

But we all love our siblings, right?

I mean, think about all the good things they've done for you.  Maybe they took the blame for you.  Maybe they did everything you asked while you were sick.  Maybe they gave you the last cookie.  Whatever the reasons, it's something to hold on to even when you want to smack them silly for smarting off.  How about all those crazy adventures you and your siblings went on?  Or those times when you were just a kiddie and they played with you.

All together, though, I suppose siblings aren't that bad.  They teach us a few vital things: patience, loyalty, and how much it hurts to get your hair pulled.

I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading this.  It's actually gotten more reads than I ever thought it would (over 120!).  That's amazing.  Really guys give yourself a pat on the back.

~:~ Got an idea that would make an ah-mazing rant?  Have your own opinions or memories you want to share?  Comment below!! ~:~

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