Word Mix-Ups Among Other Stuff

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AHHHHH!!!  I'm fourteen reads away from 200 and I'm just like "Aww mah gawd, I feel so freakin' awesome right now."  Sorry, just got done watching White Chicks.  Sigh.  Such a great movie.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for actually reading this peice of poop.  Well, maybe it's not poop, cause, let's be honest, nothing I write can be poop.. Ha.  ha.  ha...

Okay, now that i've got my lying and gushing out of the way, let's get on with it shall we?

These are some of my most hateful errors ever (although I sometimes do them too *blushes*)

To start off with, the one error that just irks me.


I mean for Pete's sake, are you serious?  This one legitly takes all my feelings of loveliness and rainbows about the chapter and throws it down a deep dark abyss where a hungry Amanda Bynes is.  Speaking of, I don't know how to feel about Amanda.  I mean, She's the Man is one of my favorite movies and I don't know to feel sorry for her or laugh at all her Drake tweets.

Alright, let's get away from stars gone wrong.  We all know that Lindsay Lohan would win that award anyways.

Hmm... let's see.  Another one I see a lot is "lay" and "lie"

One I do a lot is the word "anxious" when I shouldn't.  Unless you are actually feeling fear, you should never say "I was anxious to see my friends". 

Another one is nauseous.  You don't say "I'm nausesous".  Well unless you are the one bringing the nausea to another.  Again I say *cough* Amanda Bynes? *Cough Cough* Lindsay Lohan *Cough*

Oh, and here's one that I actually didn't know but I do a lot.  You always use "anyway" never, EVER, EVER, EVER "anyways".

Loose and lose is another I see a lot.  You will lose your loose change.  

Yep, basically this entire rant is about the mix up of "defiantly" and "definitely".  It just bugs me that much.

So I got two questions for you

1) DID YOU SEE THE SHERLOCK SEASON THREE TEASER TRAILOR.  I mean, really, how am I suppose to feel after 25 seconds of awesomeness.  I mean JOHN HAS A MUSTACHE.  A freaking mustache.  

2) Is Miley and Liam still engaged?  Like, fo reals.  I spent about an hour of my life looking that up and I still have no clue.  

Oh and all this was typed on Wattpad and NOT spell checked.  My Word is messing up /:  So if I screw up the spelling of a word like reeeaaaallly bad tell me, if not, just leave it haha.  

If you want an idea talked about on here comment beeelloooowww!  Love ya!  

:3 <--- Meow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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