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"Alright sir" My secretary said and bowed then she walked out.

I rested back on my chair taking a deep breath. I have to complete Father's wish. Dad wants to see me married but the problem is that I've been preoccupied with work for years to even get time to find someone

"Mom" I said as my mother answered the call

"Junkyu? Is there a problem?"

"Mom, it's about Dad's wish" I said and I heard her let out a sigh

"Junkyu, Don't stress yourself, I know this marriage issue has brought a lot of stress but don't worry"

"I don't want to be bothered, I'm already bothered because of work, you know what, pick someone for me Mom, I trust you to make the decision" I said

"Ah really? Then I'll get you a perfect girl, I already have one in mind, she's perfect for you" mom said

"Whatever Mom, let's just get this marriage thing over with" I said and ended the call. I don't care who I marry, all I want is for my father's wish to be granted, I don't want him to be angry in the afterlife


"How on earth am I going to find someone?! And why would I get married now father, I'm still young!" Haruto shouted at his father

"You change your partners like clothes so it won't be hard for you to find someone...look Haruto, I'm doing this for you, I want you to settle down and start a family, you won't regret it" His father said

"I don't want to settle down now father, can't you give me another condition? With this I can't obtain the properties father" Haruto said and his father ignored him and started walking away into the house

Haruto sighed

"Where on earth do I find someone to marry-but I don't even want to get married! Ugh Some drinks will clear my head" he said to himself as he walked to his car driving off to the luxurious club he usually goes to

"Yah Junkyu pull up, I'm at Heavensent now" Haruto said to Junkyu over the phone

"Haruto, I'm still working now, Don't drink too much and text me when you get home" Junkyu said to his friend and ended the call

Haruto was disappointed Junkyu couldn't make it but he wasn't surprised because Junkyu never leaves his work for something else

He sighed and walked into the club heading straight to the VVIP section


"Jeongwoo why are you so stiff?!" Hyunsuk shouted over the music

"Here's too tight hyung!" Jeongwoo shouted and Hyunsuk nodded though he didn't hear what he shouted back

"I'm going to drink! I'll be back!" Doyoung shouted in Jeongwoo's ear and left

"Jeongwoo let's go to a more comfortable place!" Hyunsuk shouted and held Jeongwoo's hand and dragged him out of the dancing area

They went to a room that had only couches and coolers filled with drinks

"Finally I can hear my self" Jeongwoo heard Hyunsuk say as they sat down

Jeongwoo was already tipsy because of the drinks Doyoung forced him to drink

"You see, Once in awhile, we should stop thinking about the University and have some fun" Doyoung said walking into the room

Jeongwoo just nodded because he was too dizzy to talk. He stood up when he suddenly felt pressed

"Yah Jeongwoo where are you going?" Hyunsuk asked and Jeongwoo ignored him not wanting to talk

Once Jeongwoo came out of his room, he bumped into someone, spilling drinks on his shirt

He didn't have the strength to let out his anger, he slowly looked up at the person but couldn't see as his vision was blur

Haruto looked at Jeongwoo who was staring at him

"Hello pretty" Haruto said and chucked Jeongwoo. Haruto couldn't lie and say Jeongwoo wasn't attractive, Jeongwoo caught his attention

Jeongwoo after hearing Haruto's words grimaced. He used his left hand to try and push Haruto aside but Haruto was stronger than him so he couldn't

"Awh why are you trying to leave Pretty?" Haruto asked and snaked his hand round Jeongwoo's waist

"L-Let...Let me go" Jeongwoo said feeling weird

"Why pretty? Don't you love my company?" Haruto said leaning closer to Jeongwoo

"N-No...leave...leave me alone" Jeongwoo said with his face showing discomfort

"But I don't want to leave you al– what the fuck!" Haruto shouted when Jeongwoo gagged and threw up on him, staining his shirt with his vomit

Jeongwoo fell to the ground as Haruto pushed him out of reflex. He groaned in pain as his head hit the wall worsening his dizziness by adding headache

"I-It hurts" Jeongwoo muttered holding the back of his head. Haruto looked at Jeongwoo and cursed his luck. He squared in front of Jeongwoo

"Y-You...please help me" Jeongwoo said as his head was throbbing

Haruto brought out his phone and turned on the recorder and brought it to Jeongwoo's face

"I'd love to but on one condition" Haruto said and Jeongwoo looked at him waiting for him to finish his words

"You'd have to marry me...so, will you marry me?" Haruto asked. Jeongwoo blinked his eyes. He wanted to protest but his head was hurting bad

"Yes. I'll marry you...now help me" Jeongwoo said and Haruto ended the recorder keeping a reminder to cut out the ending of the recording

He turned his back towards Jeongwoo

"Hop on wifey"

Instant Wifey!||Mashikyu, HajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now