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Jeongwoo closed the door and saw Mashiho looking elsewhere, he looked in the direction and saw Junkyu. His blood boiled, he wanted to go and punch him right then but he had to protect Mashiho

He held Mashiho's hand and opened the passenger's door for him to get in but Mashiho didn't want to get in

"Mashi, get in, it's not safe, he's walking to us" Jeongwoo said panicking

"Jeongwoo...I want a moment with him" Mashiho said and Jeongwoo got shocked

"Why on earth would I let you speak to him?! Get in, hurry Mashi, he might hurt you if you don't" Jeongwoo said as he saw Junkyu closer to them

"Jeongwoo...please" Mashiho said softly

Jeongwoo looked at his face and sighed

"Don't go too far" Jeongwoo said and let go of his hand

Mashiho started walking to Junkyu and once Junkyu got closer to Mashiho, he hugged him.

Mashiho pushed him away as he immediately recalled the incident and slapped him

"Yah Junkyu! Why did you do that to me?!" Mashiho shouted looking at Junkyu. Good thing they were parked somewhere far from others if not they would have heard Mashiho's voice

Junkyu still held his stinging cheek, he had to clear what his deed

"I...I didn't do it intentionally" Junkyu said making Mashiho scoff

"If so then why didn't you stop when I begged you to?" Mashiho asked not buying Junkyu's words

"Look Mashi, It really wasn't intentional- I was drugged" Junkyu said making Mashiho look back at him

"After you left, I really couldn't understand what happened and why you left, them I decided to check the camera footage of what happened in the study that day...Mashiho I'm really sorry" Junkyu said and held Mashiho's hand

Mashiho yanked his hand away
"You said you were drugged, who drugged you?" Mashiho asked and folded his arms

"It was Seokyung, I watched the kitchen footage, she drugged my drink, I didn't think she would've done something like that. She did that to break our Marriage Mashi" Junkyu said and Mashiho scoffed

"You're just realising? She has always wanted to ruin our Marriage and you helped her in doing that. I still stand with the divorce Junkyu" Mashiho said making Junkyu's eyes widen

"Mashi please d-don't do this, please forgive me..." Junkyu kept begging till Mashiho stopped him

"Fine. I forgive you for what you did" Mashiho said making Junkyu smile

"But that doesn't mean I won't divorce you, I still want to, I can't because of love, go back to that hell especially now I'm pregnant-
Mashiho immediately covered his mouth. He planned on not telling Junkyu but now he messed up

Junkyu's eyes widened once he heard what Mashiho had say

"W-What? You...you're pregnant?" He asked as his lips curved

"I'm not!" Mashiho shouted denying his words

"But you just said–

"Sign the divorce papers Junkyu, I'll be back for it" Mashiho said and started walking back to Jeongwoo's car(courtesy of Haruto)

Am I making the wrong decision by divorcing him? Should I take this chance to start a new family with him? Aishh I don't know


Once Jeongwoo got home, Haruto tackled him

"Ah My lovely Jeongwoo, I missed you" Haruto said tightly hugging him

"Yah it's too tight" Jeongwoo said tapping Haruto's back. Haruto leaned out and then pecked his lips

"How was your day? Come on tell me all about it" Haruto said and pulled Jeongwoo to their room

As Jeongwoo was speaking, he help Jeongwoo remove his shoes, helped him change into something comfortable

"Aish Mashiho has been through a lot" Jeongwoo said and brushed his hair back

"Junkyu told me about this, he's getting more crazy each time I visit him, he really misses Mashiho" Haruto said massaging Jeongwoo's leg

"Hm he deserves it, after all he put Mashi in pain, he should suffer too" Jeongwoo said making Haruto stop his actions

"I guess, Junkyu really needs some change and I see this divorce is gonna change him" Haruto said and continued massaging Jeongwoo

"By the way woo..."


"I was uhm thinking...now we've settled down and we've been together for almost a year now...that we uhm, We should try for a baby(?)" Haruto ended nervously waiting for Jeongwoo's reply

Jeongwoo Who was enjoying the massage opened his eyes and quickly looked at Haruto

He flicked his forehead

"Yah! Are you mad?" Jeongwoo said

"I'm not even done with my studies and you want to get me pregnant? You're going delulu" Jeongwoo said

"But...You can get homeschooled, please woo, I really want to have a baby with you" Haruto whined

"It's still no, I don't wanna get homeschooled neither do I want a baby now, I'm not ready for one, end of discussion" Jeongwoo said making Haruto sigh

Haruto got up and sat on the other edge of the bed and crossed his arms with his brows furrowed

Jeongwoo looked at Haruto and chuckled at how cute Haruto looked while sulking

Jeongwoo loves babies, he would love to have one but he didn't want a hindrance in his education, moreover he thinks his family won't be happy for him if he ever got pregnant while schooling

Jeongwoo stood up and went in front of Haruto

"Ruto-ya~" Jeongwoo called sweetly knowing it had and effect on Haruto

Haruto ignored him

Jeongwoo clicked his tongue as he saw it was not working...

"Ruto~ please listen to me~ you don't want to hurt my feelings,right?" Jeongwoo spoke softly while giving heart eyes at Haruto

Haruto couldn't resist this one. He cupped Jeongwoo's cheeks and laid a peck on each of them

"Fine, I'll wait, if it makes you happy" Haruto said and then ruffled his hair

Jeongwoo then got on the bed and laid on Haruto

"I love you" Haruto said and kissed Jeongwoo's forehead making Jeongwoo chuckle

"Tell me something I don't know" Jeongwoo said and playfully rolled his eyes

Instant Wifey!||Mashikyu, HajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now