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Junkyu was still thinking of how to coax the sulking Mashiho. He sighed for the umpteenth time as Mashiho rejected yet another offer.

"I got you the things you normally eat, why are you still refusing?" Junkyu asked and pushed his hair back

Mashiho ignored him, he was laying on his bed with his face in his pillow

"Do you want me to give you some time alone?" Junkyu softly asked

"Mno" Mashiho muffled out

"Then stop sulking or I'll leave" Junkyu said and Mashiho, after some seconds slowly sat up

"Should we go shopping?" Junkyu softly asked and Mashiho slowly nodded

"Alright, up you go" Junkyu said and carried Mashiho up, Mashiho looked away as he felt his face heat up because of Junkyu's action


They were shopping for awhile, Mashiho got the things he needed while Junkyu paid for them

They were in the clothing section, Mashiho was thinking of launching his brand in this shopping mall or maybe propably buy the shopping mall

"This shirt would suit you" Junkyu said pointing at a yellow designer shirt with Versace designs

Mashiho was about to take out the shirt when he saw someone, he immediately turned

"Yohannie!" He shouted smiling. Yohan turned at the mention of his name

"Mashi!" He shouted back and started walking towards him, Junkyu's face immediately got replaced with a frown when he saw Yohan

Yohan hugged Mashiho when he reached

"Did you come to shop?" Mashiho asked smiling

"Of course, Jeongwoo's birthday's coming up so I thought of getting his some things" Yohan said and Mashiho's eyes immediately widened

"Oh my- I freaking forgot! He's gonna kill me when he finds out I forgot" Mashiho said and Yohan  chuckled. Yohan's eyes moved and then he suddenly frowned when he saw Junkyu


"Yohan" Junkyu replied

They called themselves with frowns on their faces. Mashiho noticed the tension between them

"Uh haha um I see you know each other" Mashiho said awkwardly

"Of course, after all he's the one that always took away my happiness" Yohan said and Junkyu scoffed

"Really? How much of a kid can you be?" Junkyu said smirking which triggered Yohan more

"Kid? You're the kid here, you're the one who's always trying to be ahead of me, you're the one who's always been selfish...YOU are the one who always what's mine" Yohan said in anger

Junkyu chuckled

"Let me save you off the embarrassment Yohan, Get the fuck out of my sight" Junkyu said

"Oh my– you are so- ugh" Yohan pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration

Mashiho didn't know what to do as he watch the enemies exchange watch

"Okay-Okay Stop, you're drawing attention to us" Mashiho said as he saw some customers glance

"Let's get out of here Mashi" Yohan said and grabbed Mashiho's hand

"No, he's coming with ME" Junkyu said and grabbed Mashiho's other hand

"I'm sure Mashiho doesn't want to be with someone like you" Yohan said and dragged Mashiho

"I'm his husband, of course he would want to be with me" Junkyu said and dragged Mashiho back

"I don't–

"Stop! I'm not some toy you can fight over" Mashiho interrupted making them shut up

"I decide who I want to go with" Mashiho said eyeing them both

He yanked his hands away from theirs

"I'm going alone" Mashiho said and started walking away leaving the two of them shocked

"This is your fault, now Mashi doesn't want to be with me" Yohan said gritting his teeth

"My fault?" Junkyu asked and then scoffed

"If you didn't act so childish by wanting to take Mashiho away, he wouldn't have gone" Junkyu said

"You have a serious problem- Mashi! Wait!" Yohan shouted and started running to be with Mashiho

"Hah this fucker always gets on my nerves" Junkyu muttered and walked in Mashiho's direction


"Here Mashi, Jeongwoo would love this" Yohan said shoving a box of necklace into Mashiho's hand

Junkyu grabbed a box not even seeing the necklace and shoved it into Mashiho's hand

"No, he would like this" Junkyu said

"Don't listen to him Mashi, Jeongwoo would definitely love these" Yohan said and shoved two boxes into Mashiho's hand

Junkyu saw that Yohan was trying to win by doubling the number so he grabbed five boxes of watch and gave it to Mashiho

"Now Jeongwoo would love these" Junkyu said smirking at Yohan

Mashiho sighed in frustration, the shopkeeper kept bringing bags to pack the necklaces and watches Junkyu and Yohan kept ordering

"Pack all the watches here" Yohan said smirking

"Pack EVERY accessory here" Junkyu said and smirked, the shopkeeper invited more Shopkeepers to help and pack them

"You two, are the most childish people I've ever met" Mashiho said in disbelief and started walking out

"Deliver everything to this address" Yohan said and wrote down his home address

"Get every Perfume here and deliver it to this address" Junkyu said and wrote down his home address, the shopkeepers felt so tired that day because of the packing they had to do.

"Mashi! Where are you going? You can't leave so early" Yohan shouted in front of Mashiho's car

"We will go now" Junkyu said to Yohan and pushed him aside, Junkyu turned and froze when he saw Mashiho driving off

"Hahha I'm sure I heard a WE from you, what happened to that?" Yohan teasingly asked laughing

"At least he didn't go with you" Junkyu said and Yohan stopped laughing

Yohan glared at Junkyu and started walking towards his car leaving Junkyu. Junkyu called for one of his cars at home to come and pick him up

"Just wait till I wipe off the last bit of happiness in you life" Both of them thought on their way home

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