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Yohan was by the door watching Mashiho, Mashiho had been extremely quiet ever since the incident, even though Asahi would come over to cheer him or boost his mood, he would still remain lifeless

Mashiho was just sitting in front of the mirror looking at himself

"Mashiho..." Yohan muttered walking towards him

"Have you taken your drugs?" Yohan asked and touched Mashiho's shoulder making him flinch and move away. Yohan sighed and dropped his hand

"How about we go for a walk huh?" Yohan said and Mashiho remained quiet

"Come on, you'll get to see other people" Yohan said but Mashiho didn't say anything

Then Yohan remembered

"Yoshi called your phone" Yohan said and Mashiho slowly looked up

"You have to get better Mashi, you know how worried Yoshi can get" Yohan said

"He has a kid now Mashi, if he gets to know you're not doing well, it means more responsibilities for him...at least try and get better...for him" Yohan said softly as he squatted to face Mashiho

Mashiho nodded and Yohan smiled

"Alright! Let's go grab some ice cream" Yohan said excitedly making Mashiho smile


"Junkyu! I'm back! I got you–
Seokyung stopped speaking once she saw Junkyu...looking really mad

"Who pissed in your cereal?" She asked and chuckled as she dropped the shopping bags

She turned and saw Junkyu walking to her

"Has this been your motive?" Junkyu asked

"To get rid of Mashiho by any means?"

Seokyung's eyes widened

"Wah..I feel so stupid...You were the one always complaining about Mashiho...You told me Mashiho didn't like you...It's been lies...You fucking came here to spoil our marriage" Junkyu shouted

Seokyung laughed

"I didn't spoil your marriage, you did! You were the one who always hit him! What did you expect? That your marriage would get stronger? Yeah right" Seokyung said and scoffed

"I did this for us Junkyu...we're meant to be together not Mashiho, if I was there, we would have made love and then Mashiho won't be in our way but he got in the fucking way!" Seokyung shouted panting

"Get out"

Seokyung's eyes widened

"What? Are- are you really

"Pack your things and leave. I don't want to see you here ever again" Junkyu said


One month

After Jeongwoo's holiday, he got back to living with Haruto, Asahi and him would go to see Mashiho almost everyday because of his mental health

"Mashi...I don't like seeing you like this" Jeongwoo said rubbing Mashiho's hair. Mashiho was resting his head on Jeongwoo's laps as they were watching a movie

"I still don't believe something like this would happen to you and yet you insist on not calling the police on him" Asahi said

"I...I don't want to see him in jail" Mashiho muttered

"He raped you Mashi!" Asahi shouted

"He did not!" Mashiho shouted back

"It's...It's a lie, you're lying...it's just my mind playing tricks on me...he...he really didn't do that" Mashiho said shaking his head

Jeongwoo looked at Mashiho and sighed

"Do you wanna go to the arcades?" Jeongwoo softly asked Mashiho.

Mashiho nodded as he missed spending time with his friends

"Great! Up you go!" Jeongwoo said as Mashiho raised his head from his laps

Asahi grabbed Mashiho's phone as he knew Mashiho would forget about it

They were about to leave but then Mashiho suddenly fainted falling back on Jeongwoo's chest

"Mashi? Mashi!"


Yohan left his company once he received a call from Asahi. The three of them were watching the doctor checked on Mashiho...

"So what's wrong with him?" Yohan asked once the doctor leaned back

"It's normal for him at this stage, he should refrain from stress and have more meals as he needs to provide more nutrients to the baby." The doctor said

Mashiho's eyes widened with three other pairs of eyes

"I-I'm pregnant?" Mashiho asked

"A month pregnant, I'll prescribe some drugs for you" The doctor said


"This is...wow" Yohan didn't even know what to say, he was speechless, he just found out that his friend was pregnant

"I call dibs on naming the baby!" Jeongwoo suddenly said and Asahi hit him

"Mashi, how do you feel?"

Mashiho sighed

"I...I don't know...I'm just not ready for a baby" Mashiho said, he loved kids but having one of his own? His mind really never went that far

"So What are you gonna do? Abortion–

"No! How can you say that?!" Mashiho yelled unconsciously wrapping his arms round his belly

"I...I'll raise it...E-Even though I don't want a baby...I'll raise it" Mashiho said softly and smiled suddenly finding happiness in his pregnancy


Jeongwoo took Mashiho for baby shopping, he was into the baby more than Mashiho was, They were in the baby section and bought some unisex clothes for the baby along with son toys

Jeongwoo insisted on carrying the items as he was worried if Mashiho carried anything, it would harm the baby

They got out of the mall and went to the parking lot, Mashiho leaned on the door while Jeongwoo places the shopping bags into the middle seat

Mashiho was looking around watching other people leave and get into thejr car then his eyes landed somewhere...on a pair of eyes

                       Both muttered

Instant Wifey!||Mashikyu, HajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now