Chapter 4

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I wake up to the noise of my annoying alarm yet another day. I yawn and sit up on the bed at once. Sleeping in this new place is next to impossible. I pick up my phone to check texts from my old man.

"One day strong, aha." The only text that has been sent says.

"Text me more often." I reply, while a frown sets on my face. I feel like I'm not a part of the family anymore. I shake my head realizing its juvenile to think so.

I step out of bed, and step into the shower. Stepping out, I play my favorite songs on my phone. I put on a denim sleeveless top along with black skin tight jeans. I decide to wear my long hair down, slipping into my toms from last evening. Running a thin stroke of eyeliner on my eyelid, i pick my phone up. It is soon shoved into my backpack, and I step out in the corridor. I adjust my eyes to the sunlight that beams in the corridor.

I drive myself to college while i sing along some amazing songs by Ed Sheeran. In my way, i stop at a coffee shop. While i sip from the excellent coffee, i go through the institution guide again. I should probably return it to him, as he gave it to me without going through it (most probably). I shove the thoughts away.

Once i'm there i go through my schedule today. Psychology study, Business, Literature. I am already sick of my subjects, except for Literature of course. I walk into Psychology five minutes earlier and make my way to the previous spot as yesterday. Lauren greets me with a smile, and gestures me to sit next to her.

"Hi." I smile at her.

"Hey!" She replies in a soft voice. I simply smile at her.

"Do you even like Psychology?" She asks me excitedly, and i giggle.

"No, i just had to pick two subjects at random because i dread all other than Literature." I sheepishly admit, "How about you?"

"My mom thinks its fun." She pouts and i giggle.

For the rest of the class, we randomly pick out anyone to talk about. She knows most of them and tells me their specialties (in most cases). She's sweet but she's fun. She's too pretty to be as smart as she is. 

"You're crazy." I point out after the class.

"Another reason to love myself." She smirks, and i shake my head.

Business goes smoothly though Lauren isn't there to make me laugh my everything out. We reunite at Literature though. Though she's genuinely interested in the subject, she's still fun and entertaining. I hope there are still only about 10 people in class today. It makes me less self concious and more focused. I take my previous spot in Literature with Lauren (the blondie) next to me. We talk a few minutes before class about her dorm room, and the most about her clingy room mate. Someone shifts in right next to me, and i turn to look.

"Hi Lauren." He smiles at Lauren, and I'm more than surprised again. Why is he always around? How does he manage to stick around every time? I swear under my breath. Lauren gets engaged with the nerd next to her again. I widen my eyes at him.

"Hi, I'm Zayn." He holds out his hand for me, but i look away ignoring it. He snakes his arm behind my back and pat Lauren's back.

"Who's this new friend of yours?" He asks her, and i look at Lauren sternly. I shake my head but she has her eyes fixed on him already. 

"Oh, she's Lizzie." I take my head in my hands. Oh holy lord, now he knows my freaking name.

"Lizzie Butler." I look up at this douche who now had a name. I have never noticed him this clearly before. He has dark caramel eyes, and his lips are a dark shade of red. I must admit how flawless his skin is. His hair are help up in a quiff. My gaze lands on a black ear stud he has. I look away when i realize he's smirking at me. He's annoying but attractive.

The professor walks in (thankfully) and introduces herself as Mrs. Smith. She teaches us about the importance of dialogues and story plot. All of us listen attentively before she puts before us our first assignment. She assigns partner according to the pattern in which all of us are seated. I interpret her pattern and assume that I'm going to work with Lauren. But Lauren decides to work with her nerd crush, and I'm left to do the same with Zayn.

"I must be really unfortunate." I point out as he walks with me while we step out of the class.

"So you think I'm just as annoying as i pretend to be?" He smirks, and i raise an eyebrow at him.

"I purposely annoy people who get annoyed easily." He laughs, and i feel embarrassment building up to my core.

"That is still annoying." I smirk back at him this time and he shakes his head smiling at the ground.

"I sense competition." He looks back up, his hands slipping inside his pockets again.

"You sense inferiority." I smirk at him again, and he chuckles. I surprisingly play along. 

"When do you want to meet up?" He looks away from me. 

"What?" He is just as annoying as he seemed earlier. 

"I mean when do you want to work on the assignment?" He corrects himself and i feel way beyond embarrassed.

"Uhm, i think I'm free all day, so whenever time allows you." I sheepishly say. I wish i were sassy-er.

"Three?" He bites his bottom lip, and i try to look away.

"Three." I say, and walk past him like a boss. I mentally pat my back. 

I walk to the car in silence, spotting nobody around. I shove my backpack into the passenger seat before settling onto the driver's seat next to it. I hear footsteps behind me, but i don't bother to see who it is. 

"Hi..hey...hi." He breaths heavily, his hands placed on his knees. 

"Uhm, hi?" I stare at him. He is lean, and his tattoos peek out of his shirt. They're dark and make him look like a pretentious rude person, than just annoying. 

After a few rounds of losing his breath while speaking, he trudges towards me. I look for a smirk on his face but there's none. He stops a few inches away from me, after which i step back to increase a few possible inches.

 "Call me before you come over." He speaks heavily. 

"I'm not coming over."  I retort. I don' care about this assignment more than i care about my senses that his annoying personality is against.

 "At three. Call me at 2:59 sharp." He orders high-handed and i roll my eyes in annoyance. His lean figure is not standing at a very decent distance, enabling me to smell something like mint. 

"I do not have your phone number." I sarcastically retort. The corner of his lips turn and a smirk is placed on his lips. 

"You might have it, you never know." He helps my hair behind my ear, and takes me aback by the gentle gesture. His skin is cold, and contradicts my warm one. I feel the heat burning up in my cheeks. I shove away his hand from myself, and he smirks again. 

He turns around, and walks steadily, turning around to look at me a few times before he disappears. I still feel my cheeks burning red, but i try to shove off any image of him that forms inside my head. I seriously need to do away with this douchebag.

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