Chapter 3

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I drag myself along the corridor, feeling exhausted as I've never been. Being exhausted is one things, but being exhausted in a new city where your mom doesn't do things for you is a whole new level of adventure. I plan all the things i still need to learn to make myself comfortable here. 

"Do you still need the book?" A familiar accent behind me speaks, and i turn around recognizing the footsteps to be of the stupid's.

I shrug. Was he following me or i'm dreaming? I narrow my eyes at him and the rage in me grows with every step he takes closer. I roll my eyes when he steps in front of me. Mint, i recognize the smell.

"Were you following me?" I ask sheepishly. He presses his lips in a tight smirk.

"Couldn't help it." He says flirtatiously as i shake my head. Oh how i wish i chose some normal college with normal people back at Doncaster.

"Okay", i take the book out of his hand, "Now you can go the fuck back." I turn around to walk into my apartment. I slip the key in, and kick the door open.

I hear another door opening behind me, as i turn to look. The tall and lean frame steps in the apartment in front of my very own, and before closing the door, i'm smirked at. 

"What the...?" I say under my breath as he closes the door. This is the neighbour i tried to introduce myself to, earlier yesterday. Oh god. I feel stupid for asking him if he was following me, damn! This is his darn apartment. Now, i don't think i will ever find out what his car is called. Damn!

I step inside, closing the door behind me. I laugh at the event while I walk towards the cabinet where i place my backpack. I can't wait to eat, as usual. I walk into my room, pull out shorts slipping into them the next minute. Right now i don't bother the crop top i'm wearing. I can at least eat in it. 

I walk into the kitchen, my idea of food not read yet. I look into a few things dad and i had brought along, and decide to make myself noodles. When i'm done, i settle myself on the couch turning on the telly. I flip through the channels, already yawning. I eat the noodles faster than usual and put it to a side while i continue flipping through the channels. My eyes land on the thin booklet at the end of the couch. I shift myself to pick it up. I go through it only to realize that all that written is fake. I've been there twice and it isn't half as good as described in this guide. I decide to text dad, and then take a nap. When i check my phone, there are a few texts that dad left me.

"Eat healthy. We're having broccoli. Eww. ;)" One says.

"And you left your black dress back here but now it belongs to Cass. Sorry not sorry." Another text says. I already feel like punching Cass in her face.

"I had noodles, are you jealous? SORRY NOT SORRY." I text back while i lay back on the bed. I place the phone on the nightstand and close my eyes. Though its only 5 in the evening, I already feel like sleeping. And so i will. 

I wake up as my phone rings for the second time. I groan and pick up.

"Hmm?" I hum as i lay back in the bed again. 

"Liz!" Cass squeals on the other side.

"What?" I groan in a heavy sleepy voice.

"Its eight." She sternly reminds me. I widen my eyes at once. I've been sleeping for 3 hours but i'm still not any less sleepy.


"Oh yes, i'm sure you don't have friends yet." She mocks and i roll my eyes. My younger sister is just as sassy as me. Yes, pun intended.

"I do." I let out a fake chuckle.

"That's why you're sleeping away the evening." She questions, and I roll my eyes.

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