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Reo had been skeptical about this arrangement. He had grown up accustomed to obsessive attention from members of all genders alike. It had given him a confidence that was unearthly and enhanced his good looks to god-like looks. His movements were all made more attractive by his attitude. He was obviously a person who had always been surrounded by strangers' eyes and was well aware of this fact. But he did not especially enjoy this attention. It generally brought more harm than good. Like, today. He had no choice but to reside at the Willow residence while in Vierwoods because this town had no hotels or inns. After all, this town belonged only to those who ruled here or were born here. It had no place for outsiders. But, he had heard that the Willow's house only had an eighteen-year-old living in it. Hearing this, Reo had internally groaned. After all, he had crucial business to attend to here and had no mind to have to deal with any of those shenanigans of immature teenage girls that he was used to seeing.

So, seeing the indifference in the brown eyes that were staring at him when the door opened was an enormous relief for him. He knew he was being a prude. But any human Reo had ever conversed with had approached him for a reason. Whether it be his looks, his talent, or just who he was and his position. So, when he saw that Anayya was entirely unaffected by his charm, his initial thought was whether she was an assassin or a spy."Hey, how can I help you?" A sweet, silky voice penetrated the silence through which Anayya had been eyeing the three men and noting down all details. 

"Hello. We are here to take a look at the rooms for rent." One of the men, probably the oldest of the three, answered.

"Oh, come in," Anayya smiled sweetly at them even though nothing about the arrangement gave her any joy. As Anayya turned her back at the boys, indicating them to follow her, the man who had just spoken came behind Reo. "I have done a thorough background check," he whispered in Reo's ear. Reo nodded his head. "All clean?" He asked in turn."As clean as you can be in these parts," the reply came. Now that the possibility of them having stepped willingly on a landmine disappeared, Reo relaxed and started observing everything around him. As soon the door had opened, Reo had been struck by how harmless and innocent Anayya looked. She made a little above average height at 5'6. Her waist-length hazel-colored hair fell softly behind her back. Her huge light brown eyes (at the top) and olive skin made her look like a clueless deer. Not only that, if Reo had the aura of an Homme fatale, Anayya had the halo of an ultimate 'Girl next door'.

This had made Reo conclude that Anayya was just as naive as any other 18 year old who had lived a relatively simple life. If so, he thought, could work out well for him. 

"Come, take a seat." Anayya had led them into a room towards the right side on the ground floor. The room had a sofa set with a glass table center and some showcases with a T.V. sitting on one of them. There were glass sliding doors at the back that displayed a small portion of the lawn surrounding the house. The three strangers took a seat on the sofas while Anayya sat across from them. 

"So, I am Anayya Willow. The daughter of the woman who owns this house." The guys nodded their heads as if this was old news to them. Then the oldest of the bunch spoke up, "Hi, I am Jonathon. This guy here with the poker face is Reo. And that guy there is Andy," he said while pointing to a guy who was sitting with his legs crossed and his arms placed underneath his head. He waved when he heard his name.

"Umm, which two of you will be staying here?" Anayya asked in a cute voice while tilting her head slightly and placing a finger on her cheek. Her resemblance to a deer heightened.

"That would be Reo and me. There are actually six of us. We are lodging in three different houses," Jonathon answered once again. Anayya nodded her head in understanding. Then she stood up all of a sudden.

"Would you like some coffee?" she asked and, Jonathon replied in affirmative. "Do you think we could check the rooms while you make our drinks?" Jonathon asked in return."Oh, sure. They are on the two doors on the left side of the first floor. Do you need me to show you the way?""It's alright," Jonathon waved his hands in refusal.

While Anayya went into the kitchen, the other three climbed the stairs to the first floor. Anayya kept an ear out for them as she picked up the mugs from the shelves. She had sharp ears so it was not difficult to keep track of their movements. She followed the sounds of their footsteps as they moved around upstairs. It was needless to say that she did not trust them. Something about them was very off. She decided to ask Norr to do a thorough background check on them later.


This is where the story actually starts. 

Please let me know if there is anything I could improve on. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Also just tell me your thoughts in general. 

Thank you for reading.


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