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When Violet falls for the first time she's thirteen with braces and mousey brown hair. It's for a boy whose name she can't remember that had dark eyes and a crooked smile. He's perfect to her and no popstar in any tween magazine can't replace him. She gives him her first kiss and he takes it as a prize to show his friends before moving on to the next girl with too much love for her own good and too little experience.

The second time is when she's sixteen and she doesn't have the braces anymore, but instead shiny hair that looks like caramel and a smile that is so beaming you swear it could blind. She thinks she's in love with a boy who has a handsome face and perfect hair. His parents have money, hers don't, they go on fancy dates and he brings her roses. She gives him everything and after a year finds out she was never the only special flower in his life. She packs her broken heart, memories, and dreams into boxes that are shipped to California with her dads work.

The third boy (Man, she thought, at the time. Funny) to make her slip is all bright eyed and bushy tailed and so beautiful she can't even help her eighteen year old self. She needs someone to kiss all her bruises away and tell her things are going to be okay but gets a friend who doesn't really have the benefits she wants; she takes him nonetheless. She tells him her feelings and he runs so far from commitment the only thing she has left is a note with his number, seven x's, and a crude heart on it.

The fourth boy she'll meet has tanned skin and a lopsided smirk and eyes that crinkle at the corners when he smiles. He'll be sweet and kind and everything she needs, but he's not perfect and will slip up too many times. He'll be far too forgiving and might almost let her far through his fingers. But for now the only thing she'll be able to do is hope this one won't be a mistake.


alrighty this is my first story and i hope everybody likes it. vote and comment!!

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