Chapter 11

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A/N: Happy New Years everyone I hope you enjoy this chapter -JJ

Everything was a fucking mess . We fell on the floor , Addison was carrying a bunch of files which scattered all around the ground. I was on top of her , thankfully the towel still wrapped around my body.

''Im sorry ,'' I breathed out , ashamed of myself.

''It's okay I should have-'' she paused, gazing at me. My wet hair clinged to my face and she removed a strand of hair off my face

Her jade eyes darkened with lust mentally undressing me. I tried to get off her of course I failed. Instead I ended up rubbing myself against her front. Oh gosh anything to relive that night again.

As much as I wanted to stay in that position I came back to my senses. This time , I successfully lifted myself up off her making sure the towel was still in its place hiding as much as I could. Though, it wasn't doing a good job at it.

''I should go I gulped''
''Yeah me too '' she replied

We strided off to our rooms,not pausing a minute. Going into my suite, I closed the door behind me, trying to calm myself down.

I didn't know what was happening outside , and I frankly I did not want to know. I was locked inside my room, too embarrassed to face my boss. Maybe she'll fire me for good if I don't go to the meeting tonight. The amount of awkward encounters I've had with this woman are too damn high.

But this was no excuse to miss an important meeting. I berated myself. After the awkward encounter last night, i only managed to get out of my bedroom once just to receive my food from room service. I was fully successful in avoiding Addison.

I redid my bed twice, arranging the cushions in a different pattern every time.

A Knock on the door interrupted my third attempt at rearranging the pillows. Opening it I was faced with a very well elegantly dressed Addison who had a small box at hand.

''Can I come in''? I nodded letting her in. She was dressed in a white strapless dress that went perfectly Matched with grey heels. She never failed to look so good each day not that she doesn't look good because she always does.

'' we have the meeting today at 3''. I nodded confirming that I knew about it. Last night she emailed me the details to the meeting from the next room. I guess she was to embarrassed by the stupid incident too.

''And I want you to have this''. She handed me the small box neatly wrapped in iridescent gift wrapper. Keeping it on the table beside me I unboxed it.

My eyes went wide in shock. Looking at the new shiny silver pendant with the letter M Engraved in it. '' wow '' I gasped unable to form any other words at the moment.

'' I hope it isn't a problem that I bought it for you'' she said softly.

'' But I can't take this , this must have cost a lot . I said shaking my head.

''To be quite frankly with you , it was nothing I couldn't acquire , I insist that you please accept it''. Her pleading Jade eyes looked up into my own ocean blue eyes having a soft relaxed look on them.


She cut me off. ''No I don't want to hear anything about this. You are keeping it, end of story. It wasn't a request, I nodded my head  looking up to her begging if not telling her to put it on me.

She nodded her head as I swept up my hair in the process , she held the pendant against my neck hooking it on to the small chain. It felt like minutes if not hours I could feel her shallow breathing against my neck causing me to shiver. I stifled a cough pulling her out of her thoughts causing her to look up at me.

'' make sure to be ready by two , Bruno will be picking us up for the meeting '' with that she left leaving the familiar vanilla scent lingering behind.

After raiding my closet, I decided to wear my black double- breasted blazer along with white jeans to top it off i matched it with some black kitten heels.

Going downstairs ,we were greeted by Bruno while Addison just nodded, I formally greeted him, asking him how he'd been, trying to make small talk with him. He was quite surprised by the feature.

We were meeting Dr.Hamilton at his office. the hospital was massive I might admit but not so much as Seattle grace.

We were greeted by a board of trustees and Dr. Hamilton himself.

This is drey grey , the intern I spoke to you about '' Addison introduced me

I smiled slightly . '' it's nice to meet you sir''.

'' please call me Paul ''.

We decided to get started with the meeting. I was in charge of explaining the surgery that I was going to assist dr Montgomery on you know as an intern I'd know these things by now or so I thought. I could see the looks on there faces silently judging me from afar but I didn't let it bother me.

After what felt forever the meeting ended with everyone grabbing a cup of coffee and biscuits. The trustees were speaking about the surgery that would partake later that day while I made small talk with Dr. Hamilton.

'' So Dr.Grey how long have you been working with Dr. Montgomery?''.

'' Not long si-paul'', I quickly correctly myself. About a month now''.

'' I'm pleasantly surprised. It does not seem like you'd be an intern the way you were explaining the whole surgery just then. I was flattered to hear this given that it was coming from a very successful big well known doctor.

'' thank you paul. That means a lot ''. I said earnestly.

He smiled at me, but before he could say anything , he was interrupted by Dr. Chang, one of the other doctors among Paul's colleagues.

''Will you excuse me Dr grey ? I will be right back''. I nodded assuring him I'll be fine.

After asking the staff, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Eventually, I miraculously retraced my path to the grand hall. But being the clumsy person I am, I accidentally almost tripped over some potted plant.

I continued walking until I heard voices from the other end of the door that I was just so casually walking by. It seemed familiar when I realized the voice belonged to none other then paul Hamilton. I was about to leave but the next few words exchanged by then stopped me.

''Dr Montgomery is quite great at what she does ''.

'' I agree . I think we should offer her a position here . We were all quite impressed with her. Dr Chang said , muffled

''although , I have my objections I personally think Dr Montgomery Is careless with her patients care.

'' what do you mean''?

''Well yes she is one of the best fetal surgeons in her field but she seems to not care so much for her patients , and that's a big deal breaker  and not to mention the numerous flings she has had from Time to time ''.

I narrowed my eyes. This man is spitting dirt all over Addisons name as if he knew a thing about her and how amazing a doctor she really is.

'' well I suppose, you are right Dr. Hamilton. I guess ''. Dr Chang replied swiftly

At that time I couldn't take it anymore I opened the door on impulse. Letting myself in , ignoring the shocked look on Dr, Hamilton and Dr Chang's  face.

'' Pardon the interruption, but you can't just make an assumption like that. Addison takes her job very seriously and is great with her patients she is very dedicated at what she does and will do everything in her power to help her patients. The press are always full of lies. As a matter a fact if I hear you speaking of my fiancé that way again I'll ruin you ''. WAIT FIANCÉ NO WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT FUCK I JUST SCREWED THIS UP EVEN MORE.

A/N: wow what a big cliffhanger huh ?and did she just call Addie her fiancé ??oof what do y'all think about that anyways until next time I'll have you guys suffer till I post again

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