20. Into the tunnels

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Hey! Little side-note, previously my chapters have mostly been in the 5000-6000 word range, which I needed to do because the story was better than it would be if it was split. However, now that I'm getting into the main part of the story (I've been looking forward to writing this so much, I AM ABSOLUTELY THRILLED), the chapters are going to be mostly in the 3000-5000 word range, with some deviations when I can't find a good place to end the chapter. This is partly because it makes more sense in my head for the story, and partly because it means I can start writing more chapters ahead. As of now, I have four chapters pre-written but not edited. Hopefully this way I can extend that number so that I have more to fall back on when I don't have time to write (especially during A levels, which are the creation of someone very very mean and very very twisted). That's why this chapter might seem a little shorter. That being said, I hope you enjoy the story!


Mari woke up even earlier than usual, which was saying something. A dove was tweeting in her ear. "Gah! What the fuck?" she muttered to herself.

Beside the dove was a gift bag, bright pink and glittery, and made of heavy paper and scented with roses. A matching label said For Mari. She recognised Drew's loopy handwriting.

Mari had IM'd Drew right after IMing Will. She wasn't actually allowed to tell either of them what the quest entailed, which was probably good because the Labyrinth was scary, and it would freak both of them out. She was only allowed to say that it was a secret mission on behalf of Chiron. Will had been disappointed and looked slightly worried, but mainly he just told her to get as much sleep as possible, and said that if she didn't raid the infirmary for medical supplies to take with her then he'd be mad. Drew, on the other hand, had a sneaky look on her face which Mari really should have been more suspicious of. The pink bag was probably the bi-product of that look.

Mari re-read Drew's note, which thankfully was in ancient Greek. I did promise to give you an Aphrodite-cabin-approved quest kit if you ever went on another fun death trip. This is me being true to my word. I'll pray to my Mom to look out for you!

Mari set down the note and opened the gift bag, wondering if Drew had somehow enchanted the dove to carry it, despite the weight and bulk. Inside was a white pleather backpack.  As soon as she fished it out the dove gave her a very annoyed look (she didn't know if doves could even give annoyed looks, but apparently they really could) and flew back out of her open window. Mari pulled the backpack's zip and emptied its contents onto the bed beside her.

First, there was a brilliantly compact sleeping bag, made of some special material Mari had never seen before and appeared to be  lined with silk. There was a hairbrush that Mari suspected was made of real gold, a make-up bag containing a clamshell mirror with a sun on it, and a Tupperware box filled with small bottles of golden liquid. Mari was touched that Drew had remembered she liked nectar better than Ambrosia. There was a Ted Baker purse, stuffed with  drachmas. There were even packets of dried fruit and a couple of water bottles. Not plastic, obviously, though Mari didn't recognise the material.

There was one other thing, which Mari was pretty sure wasn't in other Aphrodite-approved quest kits. It was a bracelet, woven out of golden threads that Mari thought were familiar but she couldn't quite place. Attached to the bracelet was another note.

You absolutely do not have to wear this, and I get it if you don't. It's made of the hair accessories from Circe's Island. Before you burn it, I thought it might be a nice way to know she can't hurt you anymore. You obviously can't ever go back there to give her a piece of your mind, but I thought that wearing a symbol of her controlling you as a cute accessory might be the next best thing. I'm sorry if I was wrong. You can absolutely chuck it into the brazier if you want. I won't be offended.

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