38. Hot Potato, Hot Potato

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Nobody said anything for a few minutes, after that. They all just stared up at the sky, where Zoë's constellation was blinking down at them. Mari hoped that wherever she was, however much of this she was experiencing, she was happy. She deserved that much, at least.

Silvery light flickered around Artemis, like she was barely keeping it together enough to avoid becoming her fully divine form. Mari knew that behind the grief, all of them were thinking the same: no mortal, not even a demigod, could look at a god in their fully divine form without disintegrating. So, if Artemis lost control, then they were all fucked.

"I must go to Olympus immediately," Artemis said. "I will not be able to take you, but I will send help." She laid her hands on Annabeth's shoulders. "You are brave beyond measure, my girl. You will do what is right."

Then, she turned towards Mari, giving her a full, genuine smile, dimmed as it was by grief. "You, my niece, have a kind of strength not often seen. You do yourself proud. Do not falter." Mari wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but she'd absolutely take it. This was her aunt. Like, her actual aunt. And her aunt was proud of her... Mari gave her a watery smile back.

Artemis exchanged a glance with Thalia, which Mari didn't quite get, but the goddess looked soft as she turned her head away from the girl.

Then she looked at Percy.

"You did well," she told him. "For a man."

Artemis mounted her chariot, and they all turned away. There was a bright silver glow, and when they looked back, she was gone. It hit Mari that if Artemis was being serious about sending them help, then they'd be going to Olympus. Like, actual Olympus. Where her father lived.

And sure enough, barely a minute later, there was a fluttery sound, like wings.

"Blackjack!" Percy called.

Sure enough, four pegasi, three white and one black, dove through the fog, slowing to trots as they landed. Percy approached the black one, whom Mari assumed was Blackjack.

"It was rough," he told the pegasus. "Nah. These are my friends. We need to get to Olympus pretty fast." Mari wondered if he realised how awkward it was to listen in on these one-sided conversations.

"Uh," Mari asked Percy as she climbed onto another pegasus. "Does this one have a name?"

Percy asked Blackjack, who gave him an indignant neigh, and glared at her with his horse-y face. "Yeah, she's called Chevy."

Percy and Thalia clambered onto the other pegasi, leaving one to Annabeth, who was saying something to her Dad.

"Annabeth," he told her. "I know... I know San Francisco is a dangerous place for you. But please remember you always have a home with us. We will keep you safe."

Mari looked away.

Finally, Annabeth mounted the remaining pegasus, and they soared over the bay, leaving the shining lights of San Francisco behind. Wait a minute. San Francisco? Didn't Adela say she used to live there? That her father was there?

Thalia fell asleep in mid-air halfway through the journey. "Is she going to be alright?" Mari yelled over the wind.

Percy nodded. "Porkpie won't let her fall."

She supposed that 'Porkpie' was Thalia's horse. That checked out. "Hey," Mari called again. "I know that this is probably a bad time, high up in the air and everything, but I still only understand a little about what's going on here. I would really appreciate it if you guys filled me in. Preferably, like, before we go stand in front of the gods while they judge our life decisions."

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