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August 26th || the next day

"Everybody seen yo ass over there finger fucking her" Nadia says. "Even Ariana. But hey, that's none of my business" She holds her hands up in surrender.

Octavius didn't care of what Ariana thought about what she seen. Technically, they weren't together so she had no say so of what he chose to do. "She'll be fine. I had fun with Nairobi" A smirk comes across his face.

"It sure as hell looked like it" Nadia's eyes trailed off to the side. "Freaks" She added inaudibly.

"She pretty as hell though I couldn't turn her down, I mean at first I did because I thought she was just drunk but then she gave me permission"

"You gon' catch a disease doing shit like that just because mu'fucka's pretty" Adonis says. "Youn' even know the girl and only seen her a couple times"

Octavius ignored his two friends' comments about what happened. "Whatever" He says pushing himself from his car. "Did you ever get that money from that nigga ?"

"He said he would be back with it in a couple days" Adonis shrugs. "Ain't nothing we can do about it until he come back"

But the thing is, Octavius had been waiting for his money for months and his patience was little to none now. "I ain't waiting too much longer" He blows smoke out of his mouth. "If he ain't got it by Friday he a dead man"

"Get out my driveway with all that killing talk" Nadia wave her hands in a shoo'ing motion. "I hate that, y'all know that. Bye" She dismisses them. "I got to go pick up my baby from school anyways"

"I thought school ain't start 'til next week ?" Octavius says with furrowed eyebrows. Nadia's son, Ethan, and Azaria attended the same elementary school.

"No it started .. the 5th I think" Nadia says making Octavius come to realization that Londyn lied to him yesterday about school starting next week.

"You got that look in your eyes again" She sighs. She knew him well and knew what certain looks meant because he was horrible at hiding his emotions. "What's the matter ?"

He stares into space for a few seconds before shaking his head no "Nun. I'll fuck with y'all later though" He opens his car door getting inside.

His first trip was to Nairobi's house where he wanted to at least check on her to make sure she was okay after last night and that she wasn't embarrassed about it since it was in front of everybody that was in the section with them.

He rings the doorbell repeatedly as he did before to make she opened the door faster. "You don't have to do that every time. You're making me hate that you know where I'm staying" She scoffs.

"I wouldn't know if you didn't beg me for a ride Friday night. I came to check on you to make sure you was good" He says seeing that she looked dead in the face. "But from the looks of it Im guessing that's a ... no ?" He asks unsurely.

"No I'm not okay. I feel like shit after drinking all that alcohol"

He laughs at her exaggeration. "You barely had any. You had what ? Two shots ?"

"Well I don't drink so it was a lot for me" She says with attitude. "But did you want to come in or ?"

"I'll come in if I'm invited" He says.

She steps to the side giving him room to come in. Once inside she closes the door behind him. "Last night was ... interesting"

"Yea" He lets out a small chuckle. "I enjoyed myself though" He puts his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants.

"Which part ? When you were with me or the other bitch ?" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"If it wasn't with you I wouldn't be in your face right now, trust me" He says sitting down on the arm rest of the nearest couch.

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