Chapter 17 - Lies

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'I can't believe they're going to kill off Buckbeak.' Hermione said in disbelief. 

We were heading over to Hagrid's hut when we heard laughs. It was Draco and his goons.

Hermione was walking faster than all of us. Ron gave me a scared look as we all ran to catch up with her. She headed straight for the blonde boy , pointing her wand directly at his face. 'You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!' she boomed as he significantly shrank in size. 

'Hermione,' I started. 'Stop.'

She slowly lowered her wand and turned to face us three. But as soon as she heard them laughing again she threw a punch. 

I winced, seeing the hurt on his face. He looked like he was about to cry. 

'Let's go Malfoy.' One of his friends said as they ran back up to the tower. 

As Harry and Ron congratulated her I knew I had to do something.'Guys I'll be back. Um I'll meet you back in a few.'

I ignored their sad and confused looks and went up to the castle. 


I approached the dungeons carefully. I didn't have my uniform on, so I wouldn't pass as a Gryffindor to most people. I waited until a Slytherin opened the door to the Common room with their password and went up to the boy's rooms. I didn't have to go through much trouble finding Draco as his door was wide open. I saw him on his bed alone, trying to wipe the cut Hermione left on him, but was in too much pain. 

'Hey,' I walked in as he looked up at my in surprise and embarrassment. 'Let me help.'

He reluctantly handed the wipe to me. I sat on his bed next to him focusing on the cut near his eye. I gently carefully dabbed the cut. He winced and tried not to yell out in pain.

'You can scream.' I remark.

He rolled his eyes.'How did you get in?' he questioned.

'I have my ways.' I responded. 'Do you have any band aids?' I looked around the room.

He got up to the bathroom area and handed me one. 'Why are you even here.'

I smile. 'Returning the favour.'

He nodded to himself in recognition of his quote being used. As he sat down I tried to put the band aid on the cut. 'Would you sit still.'

He did after that. 

'Well I better go.' I said, getting up after I finished my job.

'Thanks Daph.' he grinned.

My eyebrows go up in surprise. 'My pleasure.' I joked. 'Oh, and next time? Try not to piss Hermione off.'

As soon as I walk out of the room Crabbe and Goyle walk in. I stayed outside the room and listened as soon as I heard my name come out of Goyle's mouth.

'That girl Daphne, she's pretty.'

'Yeah she is.' Draco responded.

My eyes go wide. Draco thinks that?

'So is she your girlfriend? Casual hook up like Pansy? Friend? Crush?'

'Psshh. It's not like that at all boys. She's nothing to me. Pathetic muggle.'

I think I've heard enough. He's been there for me all year. I though we were friends in a way. Well I thought wrong. I was stupid to have come here. Hermione did the right thing in punching him.

From now, he's nothing to me. I'll have to push my silly crush away. 

Truth Hurts -Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now