Chapter 23 - Ferret and the Badger

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What the hell is going on. In the past 24 hours Cedric, Fleur, Victor and Harry were chosen as the champions. The whole school is buzzing about Harry though. He's underage and there never was suppose to be a 4th champion. Never in the history. Hermione said.

Harry and Ron are in a stupid stupid fight. Hermione is trying to keep the peace, but I don't give a shit. They're boys they are gonna have these silly little fights here and there. Just don't get into their business, they'll sort it out.

I walked around with Harry since now his only friends are probably Neville Hermione and I. Everytime I see one of those Potter stinks badges I destroy with the Reducto spell. In a weeks time the badges were gone. We were walking across the grounds when Harry stopped to talk to Cedric. 'Dragons they're the first task. They've got one of them for each of us.'

He looked surprised and quizzical at him. He looked at me for confirmation. I nodded my head. 'Okay, thanks Harry.' 

As he walked away I heard a fimilair voice come up from a nearby tree. 'Hey Potter.' he taunted. 'My father and I have a bet, you see.' 

I squinted my eyes, knowing he's up to something. 

'I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in the tournament.'

I subtlety pulled on Harry's arm. 'Come on, leave it Harry.' 

Draco jumps down from the tree and walks towards us. 'He disagrees. He thinks you won't last 5.'

Harry let go of my arm, and walks rapidly towards Draco. 'I don;t give a damn what you're father thinks. He's vile and cruel. And you're just pathetic.'

What happened next happened in a flash. Harry turned his back away, Draco pulled out his wand, Mad Eye appeared out of nowhere, cast a spell on Draco, and the next minute, he's a tiny small white ferret. 

My mouth dropped. Harry laughed. It was pretty funny. I wanted to laugh. But deep down, I felt sympathy. But I remembered all the tears I shed because of him, and I brush the sympathy away. A crowd gathered around as Mad Eye controlled Draco, technically a ferret with his wand. Cedric nudged me. 'Is that Malfoy?'

I nodded. But soon McGonagall broke it up and turned Draco back. He was on the ground, leaves in his messed up hair, face looking traumatised. He scurried back on his feet and tried to look fierce. 'My father will hear about this!' 

'Is that a treat? Is that a treat!' Mad Eye was now chasing Draco around a tree. It was amusing. As the commotion died down Harry went with Alastor somewhere. Cedric turned to me. 'What do you have to do now?' he asked. 

I shrugged. 'Nothing really, except a homework task from Snape. 'I have to go into the Forbidden forest again, to collect some ingredients.'

His eyes lit up. 'Let me come with you.'


We trudged through the Forbidden Forest together. 'So what potion do you have to brew?' he asked. 

'Um, a calming draught.'

'Right, so you need a crocodile's heart, peppermint leaves and lavender.' he recited.

I turned and smiled at him. 'Look at you, still remembering 4th year syllabus. I guess Snape really does have a star student.'

He laughs and shakes his head. 'I'm probably one of his least favourites.' We were walking deeper and deeper into the forest when he stopped for a moment and looked around smiling to himself. 

'I haven't been here in such a long time.' he remarked. 

'What about coming here to think?'

'It was too risky at times, I haven't been here in about a year. All the memories are coming back.'

'Deja Vu.' I said. I felt it too. When I was in first year looking for potions we kind of found each other. It feels comforting that things haven't changed. Yet they still have so much.

He smiled. My heart fluttered whenever he smiled. Whenever he talked. We continued walking, looking for peppermint. Obviously the correct option was to go t Professor Sprout's greenhouses and take some but where's the fun in that?

Cedric pointed to a sprout of peppermint near a bush and bent down to pluck it. He handed it to me. Suddenly footsteps were approaching from deep within the forests. Before I knew it Cedric grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a large tree.

 Our backs were both against the tree trunk and he was to my left. I was probably breathing too loudly, so Cedric quickly covered my mouth with his right hand. That was making me more nervous. The footsteps were drawing closer and closer and there was chatter. Cedric stuck his head out for a quick second, wanting to know who is was. He turned to me, his hand still on my mouth. 'Barty Crouch and Hagrid.' he whispered so quiet I almost didn't hear. 

'They were near the dragons.' I whispered into his hand.

I watched as they passed the tree and out into the clearing near the castle. Cedric finally leyt go of my hand when they were out of sight. He looked at me. I looked at him. And we both burst out in a fit of giggles. 'Can you believe we almost go caught.' I laughed. 

'I know, they were so close to us.' He exclaimed. 

I felt a tiny drop on my nose. I looked up. Dark clouds were looming over the sky. I looked at Cedric. 'We need to grab some lavender and go.' 

We searched through the area quickly, and eventually I found a lavender bush and behind a tree. 'I found it.' I told him. 'Let's go.'

I saw a flash above us and then thunder came rumbling. Then came the rain. It immediately came pouring above us. In a few seconds we were already drenched. 'Come on Daphne. Run!' 

I quickly put my ingredients for the potion in one of my pockets.

We sprinted and dance at the same time. He grabbed my hand and we ran for our lives, laughing along the way cause we already know we're soaked. We finally arrived at the steps of an entrance. I collapsed on the stairs, panting and running out of breath. He did the same and sat next to me. We were sitting there not speaking, and all anyone could hear was our heavy breathing and the pouring rain. I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched the heavy drops practically flooded the grass. 

He turned to me abruptly. 


I think I love you.'

Truth Hurts -Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now