Chapter 7

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Sasuke was woken by the feeling of Sakura moving against his chest. The sun was above the horizon and it filled the room with a warm glow. He stretched forward and kissed Sakura on her forehead. She nuzzled against him more, as if she could get any closer to him.

"It's time to wake up" he said in a whisper and kissed her head again.

"I wish we didn't have to leave them." She spoke barely above a whisper but he could still sense the amount of sadness that one sentence held. He hugged her tight and rubbed up and down her back.

"Me too, but we have to. We have a mission to complete and a daughter who needs us. We don't belong here." He missed Sarada dearly and he knew Sakura missed her too. This was the longest she had ever been away from her since she was born.

She looked up at him, her eyes glossy with tears. "I know how painful this is going to be for you and I don't want you to have to go through this loss all over again."

"It has to be done. It's not a matter of what I want." No matter how badly he wanted to stay he knew he couldn't.

He kissed her once more before rolling out of bed to prepare for their departure. After a moment she followed suit, knowing she couldn't put it off. Once they were dressed and ready they went in search of his parents.

Mikoto was sitting in the living area. She looked up when they walked into the room and smiled. But it didn't reach her eyes, Sasuke could see that she had been crying.

"Where's father?" He asked.

"Oh he will be here shortly dear. He had some things he needed to take care of before you leave."

It pained Sasuke to see his mother so sad. But it also brought him peace knowing she would soon forget he was here. Her heart and mind would be at peace, the same went for his father.

Just then the front door open and closed, followed by the sound if footsteps. Fugaku entered the room and sat next to Mikoto.

"Son, good luck on your mission. We are proud of you." His father said.

"Sasuke don't ever forget that we love you so much and that won't ever change. And Sakura, thank you for staying by my son's side and blessing him with a family. We appreciate and love you as well."

They each took their turns hugging his parents. Sasuke was gathering his thoughts, thinking of all the things he wanted to say to them, that he loved them and would miss them more than they knew.

Just as he was about to speak he felt this warm sensation spreading throughout his body. It started in his chest and it felt like he was being pulled. He looked over to Sakura and, judging by her body language, she was feeling it too. He looked to his parents in a panic.

"M-mother. Father. I-I don't know w-what's happening" he said through gritted teeth, hand gripping his chest. The strange sensation was becoming painful. He dropped to his knees beside Sakura.

"Sasuke, do it! Quickly!" His father shouted, dropping to his knees in front of him. Mikoto dropped to their level as well and Sasuke activated his Sharingan.

But before he could do it he was pulled back into his own time. The feeling in his chest was gone and everything went dark.

He opened his eyes and immediately squinted from the harshness of the light above him. He tried to look around, he was in an all white room. Rows of floor to ceiling bookshelves lined the walls and there was research equipment. It appeared to be a laboratory of sorts. Sakura was on a table next to him still unconscious.

"Hey Sasuke, wel-" Sasuke jumped from the table and grabbed Naruto by the collar and shoved him against the wall.

"What have you guys done?! You pulled me away too soon! I couldn't say goodbye properly!" Sasuke shouted in his friends face. Naruto was confused by his sudden assault.

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