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Y/N groans softly as she opens her eyes, staring at the familiar ceiling of her cell, her entire body heavy and achy. What the hell did they do? The pain truly was unbearable and she never wants to go through it again. She rolls over, yelping and rolling off the bed when it feels like something pulls hard against her spine. She pushes to her feet, turning around to look at the thing giving her odd sensations in her back. Her hand trembles as she reaches down to grab the tail growing out of her tailbone. She gingerly picks up the tail and runs her hands through the fur the color of her hair. She drops the tail and it falls back into place against the back of her bottom. As she focuses more she realizes everything is a lot louder and clearer than it's ever been before. She slides her hands up the side of her face and finds her ears still intact, but she can't seem to focus on any sound with them. Her hands slide higher into her hair and up to the top of her head, jerking her hand back in shock when she feels appendages on the top of her head. As she focuses she realizes that all hearing is now coming from the new cat ears on her head. What the hell.

She's caught off guard when a low rumbling sound suddenly scapes from her chest, feeling her body vibrate as she gently rubs the ears on the top of her head. She focuses on her tail and works to move it, shivering from the weird sensation that goes through her spine as she sways her new tail back and forth. This is so bizarre, yet so amazing at the same time. It's as if she's part cat! She feels her ears twitch and focus on a few different sounds coming from the outside of her room, shooting to her feet and spinning around when the door of her cell slides open. She steps back as Axel comes in. She feels tingling on the back of her neck, figuring if she had fur her hackles would be raised. She doesn't need her new cat instincts to tell her Axel is a dangerous man but with her new found abilities it's even more clear just how dangerous this man really is.

"Exploring the new appendages I see," Axel laughs as he enters Y/N's cell, the door sliding shut behind him.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Y/N growls back.

"Remember to be nice. That collar looks lovely on you," Axel says with an evil smile. "I wouldn't mind giving it a little test."

"Are they going to stay?" Y/N asks, opting to a less threatening subject change. Just play interested and hopefully she doesn't get his asshole side. Still, she's actually curious if she was now cursed to have these appendages forever. She was going to need to do some serious research on hat fashions. The tail might be a bigger issue. It's still sensitive and she needs to make sure nothing pulls at her tail because it sends a shooting pain up and down her spine. Despite all of this you're curious and almost a little hopeful the appendages will stay.

"I can't say for sure but because of what we gave you they should. We put too much of the cat gene in you, hence the ability to transform, but not to worry, we have it figured out. You're making history Y/N, and I can't wait for you to realize this is your dream too! After all of the work you've put in it's all a success! It's a dream come true don't you think? We've bridged the gaps between humans and animals, and it's all my success," Axel says with a grin. "We're going to work together and see what all we can possibly do with your new abilities."

"What happens now? Clearly I can't return home like this, not that it was ever an option," She mumbles, more to herself than Axel. As soon as she turned into a cat she knew she was doomed. She's never going to be able to leave this place because she's not normal anymore. Axel was sort of right. She does get to be a part of history. Part of success that's somehow bigger than her. She wonders. How long has she been here?

"We need to make sure you don't have any negative effects from all of the serums and your new abilities. There is a chance everything could backfire and kill you, but considering you've stayed stable for so long I have no worries there. You will not remain in the lab.
I intend to bring you to my home where I can monitor everything personally. I don't trust anyone to give you the proper care required. I can't keep you here because that means information is likely to leak about everything happening with you. It's better if I do everything personally," Axel explains.

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now