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"Finally! Finally we have achieved the ultimate serum!" Axel cries in excitement. "At last we found the perfect formula."

"Congratulations, Axel," Jack cries, an excited grin coming to his lips.

"Not only can we transcend the barriers between animal and human speech but we can also give owners the ability to turn into their beloved pets. We need to see how it further affects them but at last we've reached our goal."

"You're not going to get away with this!" Lea growls at them, her feline ears flattening against the top of her head. "We will expose all that you have done!"

"You speak as if you're going to get out of here alive," Axel says with a laugh. "You two will be our model test subjects. After we conduct a few experiments of course. I'm curious if you two can regenerate appendages without the help of the serum. Since you're so determined to lash out we'll try you first."

"Fuck you!" Lea snarls, thrashing against her binds.

"I could certainly oblige if you wanted," Axel sneers, grabbing a scalpel and proceeding to remove Lea's feline appendages.

Y/N whimpers as Lea screams by her side, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watches her friend endure the torture, calling out with all her heart for Slender. They needed saving and they needed it soon!


"We finally found it brother," Splendor cries, bursting into Slender's office. "We found the lab that took Y/N!"

"I have all of the blue prints here," Trender explains, laying them across Slender's desk. "Our best course of action is to go through the front and just annihilate everyone in our path."

"Plus burn down the facility so everything is erased," Offender says, lighting up a cigarette despite his brother's 'glare'.

"Tomorrow we will launch our attack. My only hope is Y/N hasn't been killed by then," Slender mumbles, his heart twisting at his words. "It's been a few weeks after all."

"She will certainly be angry that it's taken this long," Splendor sighs softly. "I can only hope she finds it in her heart to forgive us."

"Sure she will. She likes us too much to stay mad for long," Offender points out with a soft chuckle.

"One can only hope," Slender mumbles softly.


"Are you alright?" Y/N calls out softly once she and Lea are left alone at last.

"I will be," Lea sighs, a frown on her lips. "Are you okay? You've lost weight despite being fed like me."

"I told you I couldn't live off of human food anymore," Y/N laughs weakly. "It seems you can though. I wonder if it has to do with my blood?"

"You're not going back with me when we escape. Are you?" Lea asks, earning a soft sigh from Y/N.

"I can't, Lea. I don't want to hurt anyone I love and I'm too stubborn to just let myself die. I have a place to go though so I won't be too lonely," Y/N assures her.

"Can I let your family know you're alive at least?" Lea asks softly.

"I'd rather you didn't. I think it would hurt them more knowing I was alive but not coming home. I'm sorry Lea, I know it's a heavy burden to bear but I must ask you to keep me being alive a secret," Y/N tells her.

"Anything for my best friend," Lea assures.

Both girls suddenly yelp when sirens begin blaring throughout the room, the lights dimming as red lights begin to flash. Y/N's eyes widen when the metal door to the room is suddenly busted down, beginning to thrash and squirm in her place.

"Slender! Slender over here!" She yells, purring in excitement when he comes over to her and breaks everything keeping her trapped.

"I'm here, Y/N," Slender coos, pulling Y/N into his chest and placing a deep kiss on her lips.

"Took you long enough," Y/N hiccups softly as she holds tight to Slender.

"Sl-Slenderman?! He's real?!" Lea cries out in shock.

"This stays between us Lea," Y/N tells her as Slender breaks Lea's binds. "This is goodbye."

"Wait!" Lea cries, launching herself into Y/N's arms when she's set down. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," Y/N smiles, returning her hug before their attention is brought to Axel bursting through the door.

"Close your eyes," Y/N orders Lea before she runs at Axel with a snarl.

Y/N tackles Axel to the ground and tears a chunk of flesh from his neck, watching in satisfaction as his blood sprays out, her hands tearing into his chest cavity where she tears out and devours his heart. Y/N continues devouring Axel like a ravenous animal, the sound of tearing flesh and snapping bones echoing through the room until Y/N is full, hard pants leaving her chest as she stands up and returns to Slender and Lea's sides.

"You really can't go back," Lea breathes softly, tears filling her eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Don't worry. Like I said. I found a place where I belong," Y/N smiles, grasping Slender's hand in my own. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

As soon as Y/N steps outside the facility she's tackled in three more chests, a laugh of delight leaving her lips.

"Your clothes are going to get all bloody!" Y/N giggles, purring in delight.

"A little blood is worth it for you little lady," Offender chuckles.

"You're all real?!" Lea gasps as she stares in shock at all the Slender brothers. "I thought you were myths!"

"That's what we like people to think. It allows us to live our lives the way we like," Trender tells her with a chuckle.

"You must be Lea! Y/N told me so much about you!" Splendor cries in excitement. "It's nice to meet you!"

"The pleasure is all mine. Take care of Y/N for me, alright?" Lea smiles.

"You got it little lady," Offender chuckles with a tip of his fedora.

Y/N leaves Lea in Splendor's hands so she can return home, staying behind with the other Slender brothers to watch as the laboratory burns down. They all hurry into the woods when sirens start going off, Y/N wrapping her arms around Slender as he holds her in his arms. They watch from the border as the fire is put out and the police begin their investigation, heading into Slender's forest and going home to Slender mansion.

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now