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"How does it taste?" Y/N asks Sally when she sneaks some of the cookie dough from the bowl, giggling at her daughter's surprise.

"It's delicious! Won't you try it?" Sally asks with hopeful eyes.

"I can't. It could make the baby sick," Y/N explains with an apologetic smile. "I trust my professional taste tester though."

"That's me!" Sally giggles in delight. "What do we have to do next?"

"We have the cupcakes to make and then daddy is going to handle the dinner. He's making a buffet style thing for everyone," Y/N explains. "And you're going to help me decorate."

"Yay! I love decorating! We're gonna make it all pink!" Sally declares, jumping up and down in excitement.

"We're going to add blue too since we don't know what we're having yet," Y/N tells her with a laugh.

"Fine, I guess we can do blue. I still vote you're having a girl though," Sally huffs softly.

"Maybe so," Y/N assures her with a chuckle. Once their baking is finished they head out to the backyard to begin decorating, enlisting the help of some of the pastas upon Slender's orders so Y/N wasn't pushing herself too hard.

Once the tables are all set up with pink and blue table cloths, she and Sally strong white lights wound with pink and blue ribbon between the trees. Once they finish they set up several chairs for people to sit it, Slender stepping away from his preparations a moment to set up a fire for everyone. At last everything is ready and all the creepypastas gather in the back yard for the celebration, everyone chatting in excitement, some having already figured out what was going on after helping with the set up.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" Y/N calls, gently tapping her glass. "I'm sure many have guessed why we've gathered everyone here in celebration but for those of you who don't know, Slender and I are having a baby!"

"Congratulations sister!" Splendorman gasps, wrapping Y/N in his arms and spinning her around. "I can't wait!"

"Splendorman, I'm gonna be sick!" Y/N gasps with a laugh, latching onto her brother in law for balance once he sets her down.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm just so excited," Splendor chuckles.

"Congratulations Y/N!" Everyone shouts in unison once she's back on balance.

"Thank you everyone!" Y/N smiles in delight, going to stand beside Slender again. "Please enjoy the party!"

As everyone goes back to chatting and enjoying the party Y/N takes a seat by the fire with a soft sigh of contentment, opening her arms when Sally comes over to her with a plate of food. She carefully lifts Sally into her lap, nuzzling into her daughter's shoulder with a delighted purr.

"Mommy, that tickles!" Sally giggles.

"I can't help myself. I just love you sooo much!" Y/N coos in delight.

"You can't keep hogging Sally, Y/N," Slender jokes, coming to sit beside his wife and daughter.

"I can and I will," Y/N growls, narrowing her eyes at Slender. "Try to take her away and see what happens to you mister."

"Threat understood," Slender laughs, resting a gentle hand on Y/N's head and scratching her behind the ears.

"I love you," Y/N coos, snuggling into Slender's touch.

"And I love you," Slender coos softly.


"Miss Y/N," Doctor Smiley calls out to the young woman. "I have a gift for you."

"That wasn't necessary Doctor Smiley," Y/N smiles, resting a hand on her swollen stomach as she stands from her seat.

"I assure you it is a necessity and will come in handy as your belly continues to grow. Please come with me," Dr. Smiley beckons her.

"Alright," Y/N smiles, following after the pasta. "What's going on?"

"Doctor Smiley got us an ultrasound machine," Slender explains once Doctor Smiley and Y/N arrive at the infirmary.

"Really?!" Y/N gasps in excitement. "Thank you Doctor Smiley!"

"It was my pleasure miss Y/N," He says with a soft chuckle. "Would you like to try it out?"

"YES!" Y/N cries, scrambling onto the hospital bed after Dr. Smiley props it up.

"Alright," Doctor Smiley chuckles softly.

Y/N watches with bated breath as Dr. Smiley places gel on her stomach and then moves the Doppler of the ultrasound around on her stomach, Y/N and Slender both gasping in surprise from what they see.

"Well what do you know," Dr. Smiley hums softly as he carefully moves the Doppler around. "Let's listen for the heart beats to confirm."

"I don't believe it," Slender breathes, his hand coming to grasp Y/N's.

"We're having twins," Y/N breathes, fresh tears coming to stream down her cheeks. "Slender were having twins!"

"Can you tell us the genders yet?" Slender asks, excitement in his voice.

"Of course," Dr Smiley says, moving the Doppler to see the babies, a soft hum leaving his lips. "From what I can tell we have a girl and a boy. Congratulations."

"I can't believe we're having twins. No wonder your belly is swelling so fast," Slender breathes, grunting to the playful slap he earns from his wife.

"This is your fault too you know," She scolds despite her happy tears and smile. She was beyond delighted.

My Felidae (REWRITING) ((Slenderman x Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now