Chapter 1

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< Third Person POV >
(Daron and Serj live in a house together.)
(Shavo and John do as well. But they often visit.)

It was just a week before the group's big show. Serj, on the current morning, seemed perfectly fine. Talking to Daron about things other than the show.

Until shortly, realization had sunk in.

He felt a lump in his throat. Nervousness from the show that would be upcoming. He stared off into space, being worry full about it.

Daron had just rambled on about the topic they were on, then he noticed Serj. He stopped speaking, and stared at his blank expression, with a saddened yet concerned expression.

"Serj." Daron would call his name.

. . . With no response.

After the failed attempt, he tried again. Calling it multiple times.

"Serj. Serj. Serj. Ser—" Daron called out, cutting himself off by a moving Serj.

"What? Huh? I'm sorry. Go on." Serj softly said with an awfully heavy sigh. It sounded like he had been stuck in some cycle of exhaustion for days. Weeks, even.

Daron stared at his still blank expression for a few seconds, then caught onto his sigh and his soft, tired voice.

"You alright, man?" Daron asked, as he internally pleaded for Serj's reassurance.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just a bit nervous for our show. Nothing big." Serj responded with a light smile of reassurance. While smiling, he gave Daron a thumbs up.

Daron stared into his eyes and smiled.

"Good. I'm just glad you're alright. I thought you were dying there for a second." Daron replied, smiling bigger than he was before.

"Nope. I'm all good." Serj would reassure Daron once again, with a small chuckle.

Daron spoke again after the reassurance, starting where they both had left off.


Daron and Serj practiced the songs that would be performed at the show.

Daron was playing the guitar, and Serj was singing. Serj suddenly stopped singing. Daron was still playing. When he noticed Serj wasn't singing, he stopped and stared at him.

"Why'd you stop singing?" Daron asked Serj, looking at him with a frown.

"I don't know... I'm just.. nervous about the show. That's all." Serj explained while scratching the back of his head, trying to find some sort of relaxation.

Daron smiled small, then walked towards Serj. He sat down and started rubbing his back in a circular motion.

"What's got you all worked up? You sound well." Daron said, trying to comfort Serj.

"What if I don't sound 'well' at the show?" Serj asked Daron, who was still rubbing his back.

"What do you mean? That's not possible, Serj. You sound great. I love your voice." Daron admitted, blushing lightly.

Serj blushed at Daron's words and sighed in relief. It was good to have someone there. Someone who supported him. Someone who was... Daron. It was nice to have him around.

In fact, Serj didn't really know how to feel around him. He knew he felt happy. He knew he felt generous. He knew he felt... shy? Butterflies?

No. Serj doesn't think of him like that. He would know if he did. And he doesn't.

But that's only what Serj had thought.

"Hello?" A high-pitched voice would speak. But it wasn't some voice— It was Daron.

Serj looked to his side for Daron, but he wasn't there anymore. He then looked around for him, then found him.

Daron, who was standing now, and probably had been for a while, looked at Serj.

"I compliment you, then you stare off into space worrying about the show. I see how it is." Daron jokingly said.

"Sorry." Serj replied apologetically. He frowned when doing so.

"I was just joking with you, man. No need to apologize." Daron responded while smiling.

"Sorry." Serj said again, while still frowning.

"Hey, I said don't apologize. Just say 'okay'. Alright?" Daron suggested, with a smile still plastered on his face.

"Okay." Serj answered, now with a smile.

"Let's continue practicing. Don't stop singing, you have such a great voice, and I'd love to hear more of it." Daron said as he grabbed his guitar, playing the first song that they would perform.

Serj followed and sat up with correct posture, then started singing.


Shavo and John didn't bother practicing for the show. Not a week advance, at least. The both of them ate breakfast at some restaurant before heading back to their house. They considered visiting Daron and Serj, but they decided not to.

Knowing them, they would spend the whole week practicing. And that's not what Shavo and John wanted. They both wanted to hang out and have fun. And not have to worry about the show.

Since they didn't go and visit, they stayed at their place and spoke about their own things. Shavo, as usual, was getting baked, and John would stay sober. Shavo would say some things that John would find ridiculous. They laughed and joked around the whole time. Then spent time to themselves, alone. Doing their own things. Which would only be for a short time. The both enjoyed their company, and would rather prefer being together than alone. Sometimes, when hanging out, they would come up with lyric or song ideas. Most of the lyrics coming from things that were said by them both, or things that had happened between them. And they enjoyed every second of it.

It was almost as if they were partners. But, from John's side, Shavo's just a friend. John is straight. Grown to be very conservative. There's no way John would see it the way Shavo and many others do.

Shavo thought of John more as a friend, of course, but knowing how John and his family go, they were taught a very different way on things. Shavo didn't mind the concept of homosexuality, or even being with a male. He supported and loved people no matter what. He doesn't really label himself as anything, but he would date a guy. And the thought of him being with John excited him. It was clear that he had a liking for John. Though John always thought he was just a people person.

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