Chapter 4

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< Third Person POV >


     This would be the day where Serj would freak out, and the rest of the members. They would have one more day of practicing, before having to do the huge concert.

Serj was in his room singing. That's all he did for the whole day, singing.

Daron heard him and was happy, but it's been concerning how he had practiced the same songs over and over again.

Daron walks in his room.

"Serj. You have been practicing all of the songs for a while now. You sound good. I think you're done, man." Daron commented, looking at Serj.

"Our show is tomorrow, Daron. I gotta do my best." Serj responded as he cleared his throat.

"You HAVE been doing your best, Serj. You sound great." Daron explained, throwing his hands around his room.

Serj blushed.

"Thank you." Serj said as he cleared his throat again.

"I'm gonna get some water." Serj said, going downstairs to get water.

Daron watched him walk downstairs. Daron quickly went to his room and grabbed some weed. He put it in his suitcase to bring it with him.

"Hurry Serj, we have leave at 5 to get a hotel room and everything!! It's 3 pm!!" Daron yelled to Serj from upstairs.

"I know that!!" Serj said, quickly running up the stairs.

"We should probably shower." Daron said.

"I already did." Serj responded.

"What? When? I never saw you." Daron asked, looking at Serj weirdly.

"At, like, 3 in the morning." Serj replied, acting as if it weren't a huge deal.

"Serj.. how long have you been up for?" Daron quizzed him, looking at him with a disappointed look.

"A while." Was all Serj said.

Daron rubbed his forehead.

"Make sure you get some sleep when we get to that hotel room." Daron said before leaving his room to get clothes and shower.


Shavo and John got ready for the concert. John took the car keys and attached them to his jeans.

"I'm driving us to the area where our show is. It seems you wanted to be high." John said to Shavo.

"Oooookahayyyyy." Shavo said as he laughed.

John rolled his eyes.


Daron stepped out of the shower and dried his hair. He had clothes on, and walked up to his room.

Serj saw him walking and decided to have some conversation with him.

"Hey." Serj said, waving at Daron.

"Oh, hi. How are you?" Daron asked, smiling.

"I'm good. How are you?" Serj replied, smiling back.

"I'm doing fine. My shower was nice and hot." Daron responded, kind of chuckling.

Serj sweated and pursed his lips at what he said.

"I bet it was." Serj said, following along with a nervous chuckle.

"Hey, are you alright? You're acting kinda weird." Daron asked, looking at Serj with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a long day. And I'm nervous about the show." Serj responded.

Before the Show | DerjWhere stories live. Discover now