Chapter 3

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< Third Person POV >

     Serj heard the lock on the door move and jolted up with excitement. Daron was back from the guitar shop. Serj ran to the door, waiting to see Daron's face.

Serj stared into his big brown eyes, with a smile.

Daron smiled back, sort of confused.

"What's got you all happy? You look like a puppy after it's owner comes back home from work." Daron asked Serj, holding a bag and walking in the house.

"You were just gone a while. I'm happy to see you." Serj responded, closing and locking the door.

Daron blushed and smiled lightly. He placed the bag on one of the counters in their kitchen, then sat down on the couch in their living room.

"So what'd you get? Does the store still look the same?" Serj quizzed Daron, smiling and twirling his curls around.

"Woah, Woah. Calm down." Daron said in response. He got up from the couch and walked over to where he placed the bag. He took the stuff out and showed Serj. There was just guitar strings.

"Just stuff for my guitar. And Serj, it's only been two years. Not a lot has changed in there. There's new people, the place still looks the same." Daron explained, smiling at Serj.

"I'm glad. Maybe we can visit there together." Serj suggested, smiling.

Daron smiled even bigger at the thought.

"Yeah. Maybe we can." Daron said cheerfully, looking at Serj.

Serj smiled at Daron.

Daron sat back down on the couch and Serj sat with him.

Daron noticed the TV was on.

"What were you watching?" Daron asked Serj.

"Just this movie channel." Serj responded.

"What movie did you watch?" Daron surveyed Serj.

"Unsure. I was reading while it was on." Serj answered, looking at Daron.

"Why do you have a movie on while reading?" Daron asked Serj, with a very confused look.

"I can't stand complete and total silence, Daron. I need some type of noise." Serj responded, laughing.

"But you never have it on when I'm her— HEY!" Daron caught onto Serj's joke of him calling him loud.

Serj laughed and Daron crossed his arms.

"Don't be all pouty. I'm making dinner tonight." Serj announced, smiling.

"...What are you making?" Daron muttered while still making himself look angry.

"I'm thinking about spaghetti. Just a bowl we can share, so there's not a lot of dishes to wash. How does that sound?" Serj replied, cutting the TV off.

"It's cool, I guess." Daron responded, still pouting.

Serj chuckled at his pouting. He walked up to Daron and cupped his cheeks. He then lifted his chin up and looked at his only eye that was visible while Daron had looked at him with his face up.

Daron blushed and looked away.

Serj moved his head back to him with his hand, while chuckling. He looked at Daron's lips, and then back to his eyes.

Serj licked his lips while looking at Daron. He stared deep into his eyes.

Daron felt hypnotized. As if Serj put a spell on him. Though Daron managed to break out of it.

"I'm gonna put my new strings on my guitar." Daron said awkwardly as he walked off with his bag to his room.

Serj laughed to himself, then got everything he needed to prepare dinner.


Shavo and John are in Shavo's room together. Shavo's getting high and somehow convinced John to get high. John was sitting on Shavo's bed while Shavo was laying on the ground.

"You know, I actually like it when we're together." John would admit while laughing.

Shavo blushed at what he had said, then he walked over to John. He sat on the bed with him, then laid down.

John laid down as well. He held onto Shavo, groaning from comfort and relaxation.

Shavo rubbed John's chin then kissed his cheek.

John turned to face Shavo, then kissed him passionately. Must've been the weed. John would never do this normally.


Daron closed his door and thought about what Serj had done. He blushed hard and opened his door. Serj was there.

"I thought you were putting the strings on your guitar?" Serj said, chuckling while leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh— I was— I just.. forgot." Daron lied, as he smiled cautiously.

"Mhm. Well, dinner's ready. Let's come down and eat it." Serj told Daron, walking down the stairs.

Daron followed Serj, mentally freaking out.

Serj pointed to a bowl filled with spaghetti.

"We're sharing that?" Daron asked, looking at the bowl.

"Yes. I said we were, silly." Serj responded, smiling.

"Oh. Alright." Daron replied, internally screaming.

They both walked over to the bowl. Serj started eating out of it, then Daron shortly started eating out of it.

Serj and Daron were almost done with the spaghetti, but then they both caught a noodle.

It was in both of their mouths. They kept sucking until their faces were really close.

Serj pushed back aggressively and took the noodle. He chuckled while eating it. It seems as though he wanted to save the kiss for another time.

It's clear to see that Serj had some intentions in mind. But does Daron have those same intentions?

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