Chapter 2

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< Third Person POV >

Serj had woken up at midnight. It was anxiousness from the show being so close. He walked to the kitchen and got himself some water. He started drinking it and refilled his cup. He figured he wouldn't be able to sleep, so he got some melatonin. He took it with his water. Then he went back to his room, and laid in his bed.

A few minutes pass by and Serj is still awake, laying in his bed. He groans, gets up, and walks over to Daron's room. He looks at the sleeping man, being hesitant to wake him up, but decides to shake him lightly.

"Daron. Wake up." Serj said in a soft whisper.

Daron groans and flips to the other side, having his back face Serj.

Serj gives out a small chuckle and shakes him more.

"What do you want?" Daron groaned and sighed, surveying Serj.

"I can't sleep." Serj answered, still whispering.

"Then take some melatonin or something, I don't know." Daron replied with a very irritated groan.

"I have. It's not working, Daron." Serj said, sounding defeated.

It takes a minute for Daron to reply. But when he did, he sat up, and sighed.

"What do you want?" Daron asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

"You're going on a walk with me." Serj responded, he walked to his door, saying one last thing.

"Get ready." He finished, walking out of his room.

Daron groaned and got up, opening his closet.


Shavo and John were up, and have been the whole night. Shavo was doing drugs as usual, and John watched him. They had random conversations about things, while some music played in the back. It was like this almost every night. It grew them closer.

Closer in a way that John would never see it how Shavo does.


"So why are we out here, walking, in the cold ass weather?" Daron asked Serj, who towered over him from his height.

"I couldn't sleep." Serj replied, looking forward.

"And THAT'S why we had to come out here?" Daron fought.

"I'm just walking the morning off." Serj said, still looking forward.

"Walking the morning off? Serj it's ONE." Daron responded.

Serj chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?!" Daron questioned Serj, who was smiling.

"I just find it funny how you think we're gonna be walking until twelve pm— we'll only be walking for a few minutes." Serj answered, smiling lightly.

"I— I wasn't thinking tha— shut up." Was all Daron had said in response. He hunched over while groaning and complaining about how his legs were hurting the whole walk.


Daron and Serj came back home from the walk.

"My legs hurt." Daron whines.

"I know. Not like you told me over a thousand times during our walk." Serj sarcastically replied.

"Fuck. You." Daron said whilst wincing in pain.

"Daron. We hardly know each other." Serj said in response, with a small chuckle and a smile.

Daron blushed at his remark and stayed quiet.

"Being quiet are we? How pathetic." Serj commented, chuckling and smiling like he did before.

Daron blushed harder and clenched his fists.

"Whatever— I'm going to bed." Daron said as he started to speed walk to his room.

"Without me?" Serj yelled from where Daron was. In the distance, you could hear a muffled scream come from Daron. Which resulted in a laugh from Serj.

Serj walked up to his room and laid in his bed, reading. He read until he fell asleep, which wouldn't take long.


The next morning came, and Serj woke up. Daron was still asleep, so Serj decided to make breakfast for him. He started making pancakes for Daron.

Daron woke up from the smell of pancakes. He started running down the stairs in excitement. He couldn't wait to eat the pancakes.

"Oh hey Da-" Serj would get cut off from Daron running.

"HI ARE THEY DONE ARE THEY DONE??" Daron interrupted Serj, looking at the pancakes, jumping around.

"Not yet, Daron. How about you sit down at the table and wait? They'll be done soon." Serj answered, chuckling.

Daron sat down and started bouncing his legs up and down, waiting for the pancakes to be done.

Serj finished the pancakes and put down a plate in front of Daron.

Daron started eating the food fast.

"Slow down. It's not going anywhere." Serj joked, laughing.

Daron stared at him as he continued to eat the food quickly.

Serj chuckled, watching him eat.

Daron had always made Serj's worries go away. Every time he was around, it's like his problems drifted away. He was his paradise. And he enjoyed his company. A lot.

"I'm gonna go to that guitar shop. You know. THE guitar shop." Daron said, smiling at Serj as he started to put his plate away in the sink.

"Oh yes. I love that place." Serj responded, smiling.

"Aww." Daron replied, blushing.

Serj smiled at him.

"Have fun." Serj said, chuckling.

Daron grabbed the car keys, and started walking to the door.

"Goodbye!" Daron yelled out, closing the door.

He left in his pajamas. Serj thought.

Classic Daron.

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