Train Car

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As the group disappeared into the building Daryl breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, let's get movin' now." He whispered, you give a quick 'mhm' to show you acknowledged him, you two slowly moved forward, watching your surroundings, as you inch forward you notice a hold in the chain fence, you tap the man on his broad shoulders and motion forward with your head to the gap in the fence. He heads there first, scouting the area to make sure no one is waiting there, he motions for you to come with his hand, you scamper to where the dark haired man is standing and squeeze through the hole before he does. As you two begin walking towards the building you hear screaming and gunfire. "What is happening?" You say with concern layering your voice, "I don't know, maybe someone trying to raid em?" Daryl suggests. You try to shake off the gun fire and keep moving towards the buildings, getting closer to the screaming.


As you two finally reach the tall building you're greeted by guns aimed at you. "Are you with them!" A guard on the roof yells, "No." Daryl replies, two men walk up to you guys, one grabs Daryl and forces him down on the ground and the next did the same to you "What the fuck are you guys doing?!" You yell, "Shut up." Was the last thing you heard before your head suddenly got hit and everything went black.


You hear talking, a large group talking, you start moving your head side to side slowly, the floor is cold and rough. "(Y/N)." A echoey voice calls out, "(Y/N)!" The voice sounds familiar.. before you can even try to think who it is two hands grab your arms and shake you gently "(Y/N), wake the fuck up." It's Daryl,  you open your eyes and see a ton of people, "Who the fuck are you guys?!" You yell, jumping to your feet, "Calm down, we're in the exact same spot as you." A man with blue eyes, stubble on his face and curly brown hair slicked back holds his hands out, trying to show he is not a threat. "My name is Rick." The man replies. You and Daryl look at each other.  "This is Carl, my son," he motions towards a boy with a sheriff hat on with long hair, "Michonne," he motions to a women with dreadlocks and a cloth around her forehead, "Maggie and Glenn," he points to a brown short haired women along with a man with black hair, "Tara and Rosita" two dark haired women, "Sasha," he nods towards a black haired women whose hair is braided back,  "and this is Abraham and Eugene." Rick points to the last two members of his group, one with ginger hair and handlebar moustache, and the other with a black mullet, which to be honest made you giggle a little bit. "Your friend hasn't talked much, we've been trying to make a plan to get out of this train car." Rick says to you calmly, obviously referring to Daryl. "I'm (Y/N), and this is Daryl." Daryl gives you a death stare for even considering telling them your guys names. "Alright (Y/N) and Daryl, our plan is to wait until they open the doors, and we're going to rush and attack them, and make a run for the fence and run into the forest so they hopefully won't be able to follow us home." Rick, who seems like the leader, told you two his plan he and his people have made up. "With what weapons genius." Daryl scoffed at the stranger. "These ones." Rick replies calmly, and motions to the wooden knives his people have made. Again you turn to Daryl to try and read his expression, which is very hard since he keeps a calm, straight face constantly, never showing his emotions.   "Their coming!" Maggie calls out, "Okay everyone get ready." Rick whispers, everyone is staring forward ready to spring into action, you get up, and stretch your hand out for Daryl to grab to help himself up too, he flicks your hand away and stands up. Before you know it the roof opens and tear gas is dropped into your train car, your eyes feel like they are melting out of your skull, everyone is coughing and screaming. "I cant see!" You hear someone call out, two guards who have protective gear storm into your train car and grab you guys out and tie your hands behind your backs. "Move!" You hear a man yell at you guys,  they had guns pointing at the group, forcing them along to the building.


As they throw the last of you guys down in-front of what looks like a a long sink, two men come out, with gloves, a plastic apron and white coat, they are holding knives. You look to your right, Glenn, Daryl, Rick, and two other men you've never met before are here, leaned over a sink with their hands tied back, and cloth in all of your guys mouths. Your eyes widen and your body shudders as you see one of the men you don't know get their throat slit and they gush blood into the sink, swirling down the drain, you try to scream but your screams are muffled by the fabric in your mouth. 'This can't be how I die' you plead in your thoughts. As they next man was pouring blood into the sink they grabbed ahold of Ricks hair and pull his head back to expose his neck, the man puts his knife on Ricks next and braces himself to drag his knife across Ricks flesh, a big bang shakes the holding area. "What the hell was that?" One of the butchers questioned the other, a man with a clip board ran in and told them to wait until he knows what is happening, just then Rick took his chance to move he hid a wooden knife in his shoe and cut his hands free and pounced on one of the men jabbing the stick into his throat, as the man is choking on his own blood Rick does the same to the other before untying you, Daryl and Glenn,All of you take the cloth out of your mouths. "We need to move, I saw they left the others in the train car, they took just us." Rick says sternly, "Follow me if you want to live." Ricks intense gaze pierced you and Daryl, you both nodded at the same time before rushing after the two men.


As your group broke through the doors you see what has happened, walkers everywhere and the building is on fire. "Hurry." Daryl snaps you out of thought and drags you by the wrist to the train car you came from earlier. Yanking the door open the rest of the group flooded out, "We need to go now." Glenn called out as the walkers heard the scratching of the metal opening, you all book it to the fence, one by one everyone is helped over the fence by Abraham, finally the ginger man hopped over and everyone ran for the trees.


As your group walked deeper into the forest you hear a women yelling Daryl's name, the shaggy man turns around, a older women with short gray hair is running towards Daryl, for the first time you see his face light up as he runs towards her and hugs her "Carol, I thought you were dead!" Daryl is overjoyed, and even happier when Carol pulls his crossbow from out of her bag, the others seem to know her too, "Carol, how do you know them?" Rick asked, "I don't know you," Carol points at you, "But I was with Daryl in the very beginning when the virus broke out, later we got separated by some raiders attacking our camp, I thought he was dead." Carol's voice is sweet and soothing. "I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you." You smiled at Carol, she sweetly smiled back before turning to Rick, "Follow me." She motioned for all of us to follow her into the woods.


After some time walking we reach a cabin, a strong man wearing a beanie comes out holding a baby, "Judith!" Rick and Carl yell at the same time, rushing over to the man.

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